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Harmonized Development of Logistics Centers in CB Region (LOGIC)
Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aim: cooperation of the South Great Plain Region and Vojvodina Region in the field of logistics planning and development. Logistics service centers concept has been present in Hungary for over 5 years, while it is non-existent in Serbia and Vojvodina. Four categories: intermodal logistic service centers, regional logistics service centers, local logistic service centers and corporate logistic centers. This kind of classification or development of logistics centers in Vojvodina is lacking. Activities: survey, expert meetings, workshops, Study on logistics centers development and classification in Vojvodina , Re-evaluation study on existing and planned logistic centers in Del Alfold region, informative leaflet and published brochures, closing event. Achievements: Establishment of cooperation of SMEs and logistics experts in the region throughout establishment of business connections in the scope of the project activities (during workshops, conferences and B2B events)2. elaboration and evaluation of existing plans for logistics centers development in Hungarian bordering regions in order to get a clear insight of the existing network of logistics centers and their capacities and further development of this network3. delivery of the Study on logistics centres development in Vojvodina, which will be useful for the small and medium enterprises and regional government, and will provide suggestions for classification and further planning and development of logistic centers in Vojvodina, their locations, according to the evident needs of SMEs and with respect existing logistic centers in Del Alfold region which offer same services. The point is to avoid unneccessary duplicating of the services in the region if there is no evident need for their expansion.4. harmonizing the planning process and executing regional co-operation

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  • 85%   94 950,95
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants