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HARMONISE: Survey of Certification Schemes for IT Professionals across Europe towards Harmonisation

The HARMONISE project aims at developing and introducing a common European approach to certification for IT professionals and practitioners, building upon the experience of the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL). Project partners will initially undergo a survey of existing certification schemes and will categorise such schemes according to a common typology of knowledge, skills and competencies. A network will be established by the project, comprising key actors from training bodies, certification institutions, learning providers, public authorities and from industry. On the basis of the survey results, partners will develop a common model for European certification. Through the achieved results, the project aims to improve upon and to promote higher standards amongst IT professionals as regards recognition of the importance of IT in employment, business and society, thus defining quality standards for training and certification of the European IT workforce. Dissemination will rely upon the presentation of project results at relevant conferences and the establishment of a dedicated project website.
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8 Partners Participants