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Hang Up Europe!
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Hang Up Project Europe! is an answer to a desire to promote exchanges between young people aged from 15 to 18 years of several countries facing the same problem : the huge drop out youth age 18 and to initiate dialogue on educational policies and practices at work, integrating the complementary dimensions of formal and non formal education, the place and role of educational actors, the question of "how educational community" (design, operation, teaching practices, links and relationships of the actors). A conceptual research project and analysis of practices to build the levers and conditions of educational success and hangupThe subscription of those youth to the project is made on their own will through the several organization which host those young people.Through a partnership between countries, young people having the same problems meet around steps and activities that allow them to learn, to discover cultures, give them a taste for enterprise, responsibility and autonomy. This project will also bring them a clearer vision of the society in which they are evolving, develop critical thinking, and positioning will strengthen their individual and collective ability to be fully involved in their career and future.Challenges: developing pair learning to make values such as solidarity, autonomy and democracy stronger.The discovery of each other will educate young people about the difference and also about the European intercultural dimension.One of the biggest challenge is for the trainers and the learners to explain the knowledge technical skills and social skills learned during the project in purpose to develop the capacity and the power to actThis project aims for the involvement of the young participants in the project, actions, activities, society and the reflection on what is called European citizenship.Finally, this project will enable young people to create their own networks of partners in order to develop or improve their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship that will allow them, in the medium term to be independent.Needs: Youth who participate to these exchanges do not know how to represent Europe, the specifities of countries, cultures of each and the European values.Moreover, identified as dropouts by the several accompanying organization (French and European: second chance organization, organizations proposed by the National Education, Associations proposing the "productive learning" in European countries) these young people never had or barely set up exchange project.They are often not independent and have difficulties to project into their future.This project will allow them to open their field of knowledge and skills and will also get them work together. Motivation is the main engine.Finally, this project propose to take young people in their whole person, not only as students or their education.The project will be an opportunity to validate 2 skills of the YOUTHPASS.This project will be concluded by a one-week stay in Paris from May 29 to June 4, 2016 where all the young people who participated to the project will meet for workshops presentation, activities, debate and sports activities.This project will result in the creation of a publication for professionals and stakeholders in the education community, as well as a booklet on good practices to hangup and tools that will be shared at the European level.

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