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Handwerk mobil in Europa-2!
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Apprentice-Mobilitiy:Within the targetgroup you find skilled craft apprentices such as carpenters, joiners, painters, varnishers, hairdressers, cosmetics, bakers, confectioners, plumbing and heating installers, car mechanics, goldsmiths, tailors, bricklayers, electricians, metalworkers, agricultural mechanics, roofers, scaffolders, stonemasoners and others on request.The project´s main aim is to bring apprentices through an occupational mobility into Norwegian, Italian or Dutch companies to provide them with skilled, language, social and intercultural competences. This will be reached by being part of the specific skilled working team in the foreign companies.The apprentices:- are being purposefully prepared and receive organisational support through the sending and hosting organisation- increase their competences and step with a positiv, european minded view into their occupational and private future- will become more open minded, more tolerant and will have a higher empathy for fellow human beings with a migration background- will pass on the “spirit of european mobility” to the following apprentices and their environment (friends, school, damily, etc.)Further more the dual vocational education system will be spread out within Europe.The Braunscheig-Lüneburg-Stade Chamber of Skilled Crafts is participating as the coordinator as well as the sending organisation. The Verdal upper secondary school in Verdal, Norway, the Skedsmo upper secondary school in Lillestrøm, Norway, Eurocultura in Vicenza, Italy, the stonemasoner Ulrich Müller in Carrara, Italy and the Markiezaat College in Bergen op Zoom, Netherland are the hosting partners for the German apprentices. The partners, except Eurocultra and the stonemasoner Ulrich Müller, do also send their students to our chamber district. Every participant will receive the Europass Mobility.Vocational Trainer-Hospitation:The projects concern multi-day placements for vocational trainers and teachers of the different crafts in Italy and Poland.The main aims of our projects are to promote international competence of trainers, to improve the professional skills, to reflect on their own teaching methods and contents and to increase the acceptance of staying abroad in the area of vocational training.The project managers of the Chamber are responsible for the implementation of the project. The processes of the preparation, realization and follow-up are in the same hands.The project layout is as follows:- Cultural and linguistic preparation- Jobshadowing in local companies and educational institutions- Excursions (quarries, typical monuments), cultural program- Final meeting with evaluation- Handing out the Europass Mobility documentFor the long term we expect the construction of international relations, a basis for quality assurance in VET and the European idea, additional intercultural skills, the purchase of new forms of know-how transfer and thus to secure the future of existing and the European competitiveness of training enterprises, establishment of staying abroad as an integral part in vocational training and increasing the attractiveness of craft training.
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6 Partners Participants