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HAK Students Experience European Business
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and summary:We are starting the project “HAK Students Experience European Business“ regarding the demands of the economy and the society in Europe and especially the requirements of our region. Austria in general and especially Carinthia live from the interdependence with the European and international economic and cultural areas. Accordingly qualified young people are urgently required here. At the same time we want to continue to internationalize our education that already conveys a strong international component. We also believe that in this way we can counter tendencies towards stronger national differentiations with positive experiences with international exchanges. Aims:The emphasis lays on the development of occupational competences of the trainees, which we define as language, commercial, intercultural and social competences. The interns are challenged to use and extend their knowledge and skills as they are deployed in enterprises of great interest and quality. Consequently their chances on the Austrian and international labour market are rising („employability“). Moreover, their qualifications are increased to take an active part in European life and to accept the challenges of a more and more multifaceted society in a positive way. The participating institutions (school, companies) should also share their experiences and benefit from them.Participants and activities:In the first year of the project probably 6 students from the third to the fifth grade will take part as “pioneers“ in this special project. They will carry out economic activities, for example in a hotel, a welfare institution and a language school (office, marketing, event management, customer service, reception, …) in the United Kingdom for six to nine weeks. In special workshops they will be prepared for their jobs regarding language acquisition, job relevant activities and organization management accompanied and assisted by the project team, teachers of diverse subjects and our language assistant-teacher. Later on the experiences will be passed on to a larger target group in different formats (peer-to-peer activities, reports, presentations,…). In the second year of the project the number of internships will definitely will be raised. There is a tangible interest of students and relevant traineeships so that we expect that the internships for 2017 can be fixed in time.Implementation:The Absolventenvereinigung der Handelsakademien Klagenfurt (Association of graduates of the business college Klagenfurt) as the applicant body is responsible for the processing of the project and cooperates intensively with the business college in Klagenfurt. For this reason a separate account was opened. An optimal coordination is guaranteed through close personal interrelations. Our English assistant teacher Lewis Hamilton is intensively involved in our project and he strongly supported us in finding adequate companies and suitable accommodation facilities and he will also coach and assist our trainees on site. Further stakeholders, such as parents, will regularly be implicated.The application of instruments on the Europass and ECVET-basis will also assure the quality of the execution and the internships.Expected results and consequences:Mainly the learners will profit from the projects directly, as their professional, social, language and cultural skills will certainly be advanced. With a highly regarded internship abroad they will obviously have great advantages on the labour market that looks for motivated, open-minded and well-educated applicants.Also the participating institutions will have the opportunity to share the experiences of the trainees (respectively the involved partners) who will improve their competences in international project organizations. The teachers will benefit from this projects by expanding their experiences through post-proceeding activities and by passing them on to their other students.Moreover, the region will profit from higher qualified young people in economic and social respects.Long-term benefit:Our project is just at the beginning. We want to extend it in the course of the next years and we would like to create a sustainable culture of internationality in education. We hope that we will be able to inspire motivated young people for this opportunity and to make contributions that our region will also be able to unfold its potential in Europe in a better way.

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