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Hacia una enseñanza Bilingüe de Calidad - Estableciendo Redes en Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) has been bilingual since it was created in 2008 and, nowadays, nearly two thirds of our students are involved in bilingual studies. The European dimension of our school has been a priority from the beginning and we have been involved in two Comenius Projects and an e-Twinning one. We have organized seven exchanges with schools from France and the UK. We also organize language immersion activities every year for our students. In order to keep the standards of quality in the teaching process and foster its improvement, we have done research into what needs have to be addressed. The results of this survey can be classified into three groups: 1.- Development of participants’ own language skills; 2.- Expand the participant’s range of methodological approaches to enhance classroom practice: language teaching techniques, CLIL methodology and the use of technology in the classroom, school or other learning environments. 3.- Networking with European schools. OBJECTIVES Our main objectives are: 1.- To foster teachers' professional development paying special attention to their previous experience so that they can expand their methodological approaches to enhance classroom practice: language teaching techniques, CLIL methodology and the use of technology in the classroom, school or other learning environments. 2.- To improve participant's own language skills, foreign language communication and boost bilingualism 3.- To get as many of our teachers as possible involved in European projects 4.- To develop leadership skills to know which interpersonal communication skills underpin successful communication across cultures, e.g. building rapport, influencing, managing conflict, creating trust etc. 5.- Networking with European schools. 6.- To optimize resources and maximize results which must be included in annual lesson plans and shared with the rest of the teachers. PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS The participants in the activities will be selected among teachers from different departments according to our school training needs, as follows: - Teachers of non-linguistic subjects who teach in English - Teachers who teach their subjects in Spanish but are taking part in European Projects - Teachers from our Foreign Language Department or related to it - Teachers leading and managing European Projects DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES The activities are based mainly on our school teaching needs and they go specially aimed to fulfil the above mentioned objectives: 1.- Language and Methodology Refresher (Secondary) for School Education Staff 2.- CLIL Methodology 3.- Fluency and English Language Development for Educators 4.- TEL - Technology Enhanced Learning 5.- Pédagogie de la couleur bleue comme fait social européen, entre littérature, arts et sciences 6.- General English Course 7.- Intercultural and Communication Skills 8.- "Teaching and Learning of French Language and Culture" METHODOLOGY - Description of the project according to Europe 2020 objectives, identifying the needs and defining aims. - The activities have been defined and planned to fulfil the aims after contacting the activity-organizer institutions - Participant selection according to the needed profile. - Teachers sign the agreements to do the activities. - The activities are carried out. - Testing and evaluation of the outcomes of the individual mobilities and the project as a whole. - Carrying out the activities aimed to boost multiplier effect and sustainable impact. RESULTS AND IMPACT - Boost and improvement of new teaching skills within our school and language competence enhancement. - Encouragement to use European tools like Europass - Better understanding of European values and cultures, developing European awareness - Creation of a network with teachers form different European Schools and organizations. - Dissemination of the outcomes and the whole experience in our school, close environment and other fields (families, colleagues from different schools and countries, and public in general). POTENTIAL LONGER TERM BENEFITS Students are the indirect beneficiaries of this project. The new materials provided, teaching methodologies involving CLIL and ITC and their teachers' improved language competence are bound to have a positive effect on the learners who will be taught throughout more motivating and realistic lessons, updated with a comprehensive vision and a higher European dimension as they are having the benefits of the network established with European schools. Our students are likely to make the most of this network and most of them will keep the relationships with their peers for the rest of their lives, as we have been able to confirm through the years.
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