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"Hacia un Proyecto Lingüístico de Centro: para la promoción del plurilingüismo y la mejora de la competencia en comunicación lingüística". Para garantizar la Inclusión, Atención a la Diversidad y Equidad en la Educación.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is called Preference educational attention by their characteristics(family and environment) it presents a proyect based on the needs to facilitate the acces to the students education , because they are in a damaged environment, due to the less cultural, social and economic resources. This is an obstacle, because there are difficults in the learning with a less degree of success, and in a los of cases the students abandon schools very early and they are in a social exclusion.With the development of this proyect, we consider very important to walk towards an european dimension, our main objective is the elaboration of “ the Linguistic Proyect” in our school and with this to encourage multilingualism, such as the development of communicative competence in our students, with is very difficult, because they have a less cultural, social and economic resources, this put them in a social exclusion.One of our priorities is to guarantee the inclusion and avoid marginalization, with a diversity awareness, the gypsy students, inmigrant and social called “quinquis.” They can adapt and integrate in our sociaty in a normal way.For this our organization want to fortify the communicative competence, very important to acquire the others, through a linguistic proyect to guie in a sequence way the standars take into account not only the aspects in our language but English and Portuguese as well ( very value in our school's families, with a business requirement to work in services sectors)We want to support the internalization, such as an objective in the U.E to give the opportunity to learn two foreign languages in the chilhood.To choose the activities we have to take into account the needs in the EAP, with programme different actions to promote the innovation an good practice in our school, to learn the language and the diversity european cultural knowledge. A good preparation in the teachers grow the opportunities in our students, the efectivity and eficience in the learrning and contribute to reach the objetive with three performances: Courses for teachers: methodology and didactic in portuguese, development of linguistic competence and increase reading skills. Observation period/ Jobshadowing it's used to know the aplication of the linguistic proyect. Besides a knowledge of the educative practices such as programme, methodology, innovation, activities and evaluation... take into account similar environment, to focus on Etwinning proyect. Learning/ teaching period, giving teaching through worshop, with the methodologies the wich exhibit the work with the linguistic resources which favor the development of communicative competence in our students with a contribution of knowledge and methodology.The programme of activities, is based on the needs and possibilities of teachers, value that we hace a strong responsability as a school, envolve social and cultural aspects. Our implication is big that in other schools such as “normalizados”.the participants profile is value attendand to the implication and participation in the linguistic proyect elaboration, bilingual section in portuguese and library school.We consider that the development of the proyect is going to permit the continue interchange of experiences with other school establish “new forms to do”:- Potencial the development of linguistic competence in portuguese.- Improve the methodology through the work with the reading and good practice in library school.- Anticipate results we emphasize the new proposal and implementation of proyects, such as cualitative and cuantitative educative results, such as example to others schools to include in educative actions.The impact we define as neuralgic, because we are the first primary school with a bilingual seccion in portuguese in Extremadura, thanks to the spreading of our actions, other schools have join together to this posibility because it's very important such as Rayana zone in Portugal.It's created a blog “ Twinspace” to issue the activities made, in participants schools and in other schools that are interested in making similar actions.

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