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Hacia la mejora de la calidad educativa a través de la innovación, la creatividad y la internacionalización de las prácticas docentes.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Towards the educative quality improvement through innovation, creativity and internationalization of the teachers training" is a 2 years length KA1 project designed by the Infant and Primary State School Vil•la Romana from Catarroja in Valencia (Spain). This public school has 30 teachers, 80% of which are certified with the B2 Certificate of English, and 482 students from 10 different nationalities, who learn three different languages in our classes. Among the priorities of the school, the internationalization and the European dimension in the students training are highlighted, mainly due to the multilingual programs implemented in the school, one in which the subjects are experimentally being taught in English and the other in which more of the 30% of the time is delivered in English. To favour a meaningful language learning, the school takes part in several European projects. This new project we are applying for stands up for the teachers training to achieve innovation in our methodologies and reach the education aims of the European Union. The experience abroad, apart from enriching us when sharing good practices and enabling the improvement of our foreign language level, will serve to improve the quality in education and to create relationships that will let us create job-shadowing and KA2 projects in the future. The European Development Plan has been developed based on the needs of the school staff and following the objectives of the Erasmus+ programme and also taking into account the European 2020 strategy. The first step is a project covered by the Key Action 1, where 20 teachers are supposed to do mobilities to get training in two basic lines: 1. The CLIL methodology is a daily necessity due to the amount of subjects we teach in English. The right start-up is decisive for the success of our linguistic programme, that’s the reason two annual courses have been organized related to this methodology, covering the need of Infant and Primary teachers. 2. Using ICT with a creative approach is a basic feature of the 21st century. To boost innovation in this field, one course per year will be taken by our teachers to get to know new platforms and applications adapted to teaching, related to different subjects, with the main objective of incorporating at the end of the project the usage of tables and apps in our classrooms. All individuals involved, selected for the implication in the school, their needs of training and the impact of that training in their daily praxis, will use the Europass CV which will be attached to the Europass Mobility Certificate issued after every course. They will be responsible to train the faculty in the project topic. Moreover, to make the impact external, a report and a didactic unit putting into practice what has been learnt is going to be published in the eTwinning platform, apart from organizing a conference to share experiences with teachers from university and other schools. Through this Project, teachers are expected to develop new strategies that will let us start innovative projects the year after finishing the project, increasing their motivation towards their job and the study of foreign languages. It is also expected the development of a deeper knowledge of the cultural and educational diversity that exists in Europe and the improvement of their employability, as well as their students’. In conclusion, the whole educational community will get benefits from the rising of quality that entails this project.
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