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HABIO: Biodiversity protection in Calvana-Monferrato areas (Habio-Calvana)
Start date: Jul 1, 2001, End date: Jun 30, 2004 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The Calvana-Monferrato areas, where two pSCIs (proposed Sites of Community Interest) have been designated, is characterised by the gentle Mesozoic limestone relief of the Tuscan and Emilian Apennines, with an average height of 800 metres. The site is characterised by semi-arid grasslands of Festuco-Brometalia with remarkable orchids and juniper thickets. It is also home to rare bird species associated with open habitats. At the edges of the grassland areas there are broom thickets and oak woods, while species of amphibians, including Salamandrina terdigitata and Bombina variegata pachypus can be found in the region’s torrents or fast-moving streams of water. The abandonment of traditional grazing and forest management practices is causing these habitats to be taken over by shrubs and trees and they are in rapid decline. This is having a negative effect both on the bird communities and on the hydrological balance of the karstic area, with possible consequences for the amphibian populations. Finally, damage caused by cross-country vehicles, uncontrolled flower-picking and the risk of fire are further threats. Objectives The project aimed at restoring of the grassland and juniper habitats, while conserving the Festuco-Brometalia habitat with its orchids, and the bird communities associated with these environments. This would be achieved by purchasing (100 ha), leasing (35 ha) and acquiring the right of use (90 ha) of land, mowing of hilltop grasslands, restoring grassland damaged by cross-country vehicles and restricting grazing. In addition, research would be carried out to identify breeding grounds and to assess possible areas into which Annex II amphibians might expand. Four areas would be repopulated with amphibians. Bird populations would be monitored and grassland areas would be managed with a view to their conservation. Finally, environmental awareness and education campaigns would accompany the direct management operations. Results Despite the fact that the project partially failed to achieve the foreseen objectives of quality improvement of the habitats because several actions were cancelled or performed on a lesser area, the following interventions were performed as described in the project proposal and, in consequence, some limited results were achieved: - fencing of the top area of Monte Calvana and conservation of the meadows through shrubs cutting; - good knowledge of the status of Salamandrina terdigitata population and of the Passerinae populations thanks to the monitoring activity developed in the years 2002, 2003 and 2004; - thinning of the stands of Pinus pinaster to favour the rejuvenation of the shrub layer formed by Erica scoparia; - creation of a firebreak to protect the Ulex europaeus habitat at Monte Iavello. - drafting of guidelines for the habitat managemen
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