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Throughout europe a lot of people suffer from different diseases and damages of hearing, from different kinds of the hardness of hearing to deafness. Unfortunately in many regions these persons cannot get the optimal support and all the possibilities for improving their situation.According to different analyses app. 10% of the total population suffers from damages of hearing, which could be improved by hearing aids. It is a sad fact, that from these 10%, less than a quarter of the concerned persons are using a hearing aid or can get similar help. This bad situation is the result of a deficit of information about the possibilities for using hearing aids, because there are no experts for hearing aids.For a long time in Austria exists the vocational training as skilled worker for hearing aids, which means an important improvement for hearing-impaired people, because of that, this deficit can be eliminated.The main aim of the project (H)EAR-POWER is, to transfer the innovativ vocational training “Skilled worker for hearing aids” into the countries of the partners, to help as many hearing-impaired persons as possible for a livable future. We do not only a simple transfer of Know-How, but also an optimal adaptation for the country-specific demands in language, items, legal requirements and pedagogical standards. Therefore among other things we will create an e-learning course in this project.Of course this aim can be carried out only with a well-chosen team at project partners. The project team consists of specialists for the following special fields: Medicine, technics, IT, project management, marketing and adult education. NEUROTH is an ideal Lead partner, who has not only developed the concept of the vocational training for the Skilled Worker for Hearing Aids, but also offers a special training in the context of the project in modern laboratories in Austria.So all adult educational institutions of the East European partners involved should have the best possible preconditions at the end of the project, being able to train Skilled Worker for Hearing Aids also in their countries, so that all members of the large European family have the same access to an optimal support of hearing impaired people.

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4 Partners Participants