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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the Erasmus+ Project is to provide an opportunity for 15 students (studying Business Administration and Information Technology) to spend their compulsory internship programme (4 weeks/160 hours) in the German town of Peine. As the Hungarian and German partner schools’ teaching and training systems and requirements are quite similar, it greatly helps the professional cooperation between them.In the preparation process the applicant students compile their Application Portfolio and take part in a selection procedure that is conducted on certain criteria. In case of successful application the preparation of our students will be continued with developing their professional, foreign language and cultural competencies.The Project has several important objectives. First of all, the Project aims to help the interns in the integration and adaptation to a foreign workplace as well as to complete their internship programme at a high professional level.On the one hand, they will get the opportunity to observe the organisational structure of a foreign company and its corporate culture; on the other hand they will be able to strengthen their knowledge had been gained previously at school. Interns will also be able to acquire such skills and competences, due to the different technical facilities and the use of special foreign language, that they would not be able to experience in Hungary. Furthermore, the Project offers a wide range of cultural possibilities, it enables the interns to get an insight into the everyday life of German people, to get to know and understand their culture (as well as their eating, dressing, travelling etc. habits).Taking part in the Project our students will benefit a great deal in long term, too. Being a member of the European Union, Hungary is committed to teach foreign languages to help our citizens’ mobility and better orientation in the multilingual and multicultural Europe.The Europass Certificate that our students will get after completing their internship successfully, will definitely enhance their employability in the job market and enable them to become creative, well-prepared and reliable employees.

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