Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe needs a greater focus on guidance and orientation of pupils to help spur growth and the making of correct Educational and VET choices, so that a better developed and transversal guidance is the first, and probably the most important step for preventing school drop off in Europe.Education is key to shaping young people’s attitudes, skills and culture, so it is vital that guidance is addressed from an early age. However, a conceptual shift from guidance as 'how to choose my further educational path” to how to develop a general set of tools to make the students understand the future consequences of their choice”, is needed.In Europe, much GO practice still tends to be ad hoc, and varies vastly in quantity and quality. If we consider the situation existing in the partner countries, GO development is at different stages and shows different approachesThe GO VET Project will therefore transfer a GO metholodogy developed by the applicant in the Partner Countries, aiming at testing its effectiveness beyond local context and to hand out instruments for an effective, inclusive and structured Guidance ad Orientation since the very early stage of education.The GO Methodology proposed is VET centred, thus providing opportunities to strenghten visibility of available VET paths in the different participanting Countries and beyond and the professional opportunities in the long run, and to provoke self detection of attitudues and professional visions. The GO VET model approah will also contribute to reducing early school and VET leaving by supporting the students and their families in the decison making processa t time of choosing the future educational path.It will help understanding and testing a methodology usable for both native European Citizens and migrants, including those who approached Europe in the past few months while escaping from wars.GO based on experience seems to work at best for those with limited language skills. For such a reason the project mixes together traditional elements of the GO approaches with innovative ones such as experiential workshops addressed to the students and their families.The project is however focused on Schools Teachers and VET Centres Trainer in order to foster and enhance their skills at time of guiding and orienting the youngsters so that specific action are scheduled for them such a joint training event along which the principles of the methodology will be transfered and the application in the original context witnessed.The overall project path aims at contributing to the recruitment of teaching training staff able not to limit their daily job to the formal activity of teaching/training but to accompany and guide the youngest along their decision making process. Morevenr the project result will also contribute to regiment succesfull GO practice into everyday life of primary school and VET Centres by involving Authorities in charge of Education and Training policies.The project activities are divided into 3 main areas:1- Provision of 2 Joint Training events, in Italy, at the facilities of the applicant, aimed at describing and showing the GO model to the audience of participants in order to create experiential opportunities for the professionals involved2 - Provision of a 12 Hours Course to the overall staff of each partner to extend the impact of the roject initiative and involve a larger number of teachers and trainers in the implementation phase3 - Provision of the GO model in each partner Country in such a manner to test its effectiveness beyond the boundaries of the origination Country and measure the results at a medium term deadline (3 years). The model involves experiential GO at the premises of VET centres to put the students at a test, at first as well as Teachers and Families at a later stage, to show and let them understand the positive impact of a possible VET choice for their children.

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