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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The name of the Project : The Children of the Sun are realizing their dreams. We are carrying out this Project to be a light to the students of our school who lost their hopes about future prosp,beauty, and wellbeing, who are socially disadvantageous, orphan, poor, and who went out of Adıyaman only to work at gardens, fields as temporary workers (that is why we name them as” the children of the Sun”). With this project, we aim to provide to our students atraining opportunityin their area of educationas well as ajob safety programfor total two weeks’ timein three ofEU member countries. We believe this project will also help in the students’ social and culturalevolution, improve their knowledge base in their future profession, strengthentheir potential for employmentand facilitate their transition to labormarket, while contributing to Adıyaman,Turkey in general. The project includes 36 students from the departments of Electric and Electronics,Engine,Civil(Building),Furnishing and Interior Decoration and Design Technology which arethe departments with hazardous work safety scope at different levels.All the participants will be chosen among students with economicand social disadvantageous position, who are poor,orphan and/or from fragmented families.Two of our participants will be disabled.There will be 5 teachersto supervise the students during the program. The participants will be provided vocational education and job safety courses in theirarea of educationin Germany,Netherlands and Austria for total two weeks in thefollowing schools in respective host countries;:The students of Electric and Electronics – at Leijgraaf Vocational High School in Netherlands/Veghel/ROC, The students of Engine Department at Bildungs Centrum Nies Vocational Education High School in Germany/Dorsten, The students of Civil and Furnishing – at Ausbildungszentrum Vorarlberg GmbH Vocational High School in Austria/ Vorarlberg .The program is scheduled to take between 17.04.2016/30.04. 2016 At the end of the Project,theparticipants will improve theirqualificationsintheir area of education andjob safetyas well as personal development at EU standards.The synergetic effect of the Project inrespective vocational education and job safetyby involvement of disadvantageous students will create a positive impact in Adıyaman, Turkey. We believe that with this Project; the participants will contribute in their local and national economy by increasing quality in their workplace and will help in to increase the spirit of entrepreneurship among the participants andeventually will increase, their potential of employment and as well as improve their chances for starting new businessesthemselves. The Project overall will contribute to the industry of our city and region which is under developed with respect to level of industrialization and production. The Project ‘’ The Children of The Sun Are Realizing Their Vocational Education Dreams in EU.’’ Will be a light to the brighter tomorrows of the participants with social and economic disadvantageous position in our city and will contribute into future prospects of our country, and region and Europe and most importantly it will help the children of the Sun to realize their dreams.

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