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Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The long-term objective of the GROWTH project is to significantly contribute to business-academia mobility-collaborations and career development of more highly qualified future leaders with innovation skills in applied and needs-driven research at universities and colleges, SMEs, excellence centres (CoE), research institutes and large industry.VINNOVA will allocate resources for the period 2012-2017 which, in conjunction with co-financing, will result in a powerful investment comprising a total contribution exceeding € 35 million. With this programme, Mobility for Growth, VINNOVA will promote qualification and career development for people running needs-driven research within all scientific fields and which is being conducted in collaboration between academia, industry and/or the public sector. The proposed GROWTH project will add substantially to the international part and profile including its funding structure for incoming, trans-national mobility and outgoing transnational mobility with a reintegration phase of experienced researchers."
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