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Growing Wings of Hope
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

NGO "Ceribu sparni" in cooperation with NGO "Siguldas Alternativa izglitiba" will host 2 volunteers (age 20-30) from different European countries, by implementing the long-term European Voluntary Service (EVS) project "Growing Wings of Hope” from 01.08.2016. until 31.10.2017. Project foreign partners (sending organizations) will be Casa da Horta, Associação Cultural from Portugal and RADKA z. s. from Czech Republic.The project aims to achieve the following objectives:1) to involve and support young people in their social voluntary work with disabled children and youngsters;2) to provide volunteers with opportunities for personal growth and development of competences, as well as encouraging their creative expression and intercultural dialogue within local community.All year round two volunteers will participate in everyday activities at the NGO "Ceribu sparni" and their daily tasks will include assistance to the staff while doing recreational and educational activities with disabled children and youngsters (specialized workshops, therapeutic exercises, social care services) and participation in work of social enterprise "Pogotava". Volunteers will be involved in organizing NGO's annual events (theater performances, concerts, sports games, charity events, etc.) and will participate in Sigulda City festivities, getting to know better the local society, as well as Latvian seasonal festivities and celebrations.As the main topics of this project are "disabilities - special needs", "creativity and culture", volunteers are welcome to participate in and get to know social work specific, as well as develop their own ideas by implementing non-formal education methods in order to create new cultural products.It is expected that project will raise volunteer's self-esteem, improve language, communication skills and intercultural awareness, develop social skills, entrepreneurial initiative, as well as active participation in the society. With support of project staff volunteers will have the opportunity to actively promote their learning and learning skills assessment in order to get Youthpass certificates at the end of the project.Project "Growing Wings of Hope" will have a positive long-term impact on all participants of the project, as well as on people from local society, local authorities and NGOs that work in Sigulda.

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