European Projects
GROW through EVS 2016
GROW through EVS 2016
Start date: Aug 1, 2016,
End date: Dec 31, 2017
The EVS group activity consists of hosting four groups of volunteers by four local receiving organizations from Cantabria (Spain) SERJUCO (Youth Service in Colindres), Asociación ILER, Asociación Ser Joven and the regional representation of ONCE in Cantabria with its headquarters in Santander.The individual activity duration is 8,9,10 and 11 months. The mobilities will start between October 2016 and february 2017. In most cases"new" volunteers will meet the "experienced ones" in order to enhance peer-learning and the exchange of experience between the volunteers, because the first ones will show to the newcomers the project and explain how it works and will accompany them in the activities at the beginning. The first activity consists of supporting visibility and dissemination of local and international projects carried out by a youth association Ser Joven and improving the image of the projects, the second activity focuses on supporting CREATECTURA project- the programme of workshops to develop creativity of babies and children through design, visual arts, and music and the training programme for teachers. The third activity involves working on the proposal and development of the activities and planned actions run by the Youth Department of the City of Colindres. Last but not least, at ONCE both volunteers help affiliates (people with visual impairments) in their daily tasks, like for example, going to the doctor , shopping , errands at the bank, etc ... and they also accompany and participate in workshops and tours of the ONCE, cultural events and specific events facilitating their integration .Moreover, volunteers will participate in various training and leisure activities carried out by Asociación Ser Joven (coordinating organization ) in Cantabria and campaigning activities to disseminate Erasmus + Youth in Action program in Santander and Cantabria, as our Viernes SVE, talks in schools , the Day of Volunteering in collaboration with the University of Cantabria in December..The results of this project will be disseminated through training activities in collaboration with local stakeholders about Erasmus+ Youth in Action, such as Espacio Joven of Santander City Council and the Youth Service of the Directorate General for Youth of the Government of Cantabria.In the long term we hope to collaborate with the sending organizations to host volunteers in the future and continue working with established protocols .