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Grenzen überwinden?! Das Ende des Kalten Krieges und dessen Auswirkungen im europäischen Kontext-gestern-heute-morgen
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the project topic „Overcoming Frontiers – The End of the Cold War and its Impact On Europe – yesterday, today, tomorrow”, students of Years 9 to 11 are to deal with the circumstances of this historical turning point. They will do so in a multidimensional way and from multiple perspectives, using multimedia elements. They will cooperate with students from other nations (Netherlands, Greece) in national and international project phases. This process will not only address areas like history and politics, but also cultural and sociological aspects. The project will be carried out using multimedia tools, particularly filmic elements as well as print and online media. A blog will document the working process. The nation-spanning project meeting will be attended by students and teachers of the participating schools (Gymnasium Bad Essen / Germany, CCNV Harderwijk / Netherlands, GELDE Sapon / Greece), each featuring 10 to 12 students and 2 teachers per school. There will be preparing/evaluating meetings of teachers, as well as three meetings of student groups in their respective host countries. With the aid of the above project exchange, students will practise their awareness of their own perspectives compared to external perspectives. They will also train their empathy for other cultures and attempt an outlook on European history (self competence). Individual language competences and the elimination of stereotypes will be considerably furthered. Consequently, the students’ understanding for Europe’s integration will strengthened. Empathy for different perspectives can only be provided by direct intercultural contact with students of other European nations. By means of topical work on a common European topic, the European spirit will be promoted and students will be strongly encouraged to study it. Exchanging different national perspectives of the present, the project seeks to offer a better retroactive understanding of our common European history. The contexts of this aspect of European history will be realized and, aided by the nation-spanning cooperating, perceived as unity in diversity. The project will contain three meetings of individual schools. During the first phase, students will deal with the end of the Cold War; first in their own school and then nation-spanning in one of the three participating countries (“yesterday”). The second phase, which is identical organization-wise, will address the impacts on today’s Europe’s citizens including the students as individuals (“today”). The third phase will then, in the same manner, endeavour a prospect of Europe’s future (“tomorrow”). Not only students but also teachers will be enriched inter-culturally by the exchange with instructors as well as pupils from foreign countries, and their professional abilities and capabilities will be expanded. On the whole, European identity and the awareness of European topics and their influences on single nations and individuals as well as the project’s participants will be strengthened and Europe will be perceived as a community of values, according to the motto “unity by multitude” and the project motto “overcoming borders”. DOMINO: Durchbrechen- Orientieren-Miteinander sein-In Europa- Nachbarn werden- Oeffnen (pushing through – orienting – being together – in Europe – becoming neighbours – opening up)

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