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GreENviroment: keep calm and take care of your planet!”
Start date: May 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "GreENviroment: keep calm and take care of your planet!", promoted by the informal group "Dall'Eleuterio a Busambra (DEA BUSA) ', will take place in the province of Palermo from July 27 to August 7, 2015 and it will involve 25 young between 18 and 25 years and six group leaders from Italy, Turkey, Poland, Lithuania and Greece. From 6th to 7th of June there will be an APV among the leaders to organize the activities and cooperate in the preparation of the project. This youth exchange comes out of the lack of attention to environmental issues by the citizens and by the awareness that the individual lifestyles can affect the future of the Earth. The goal of the project is to encourage young people involved to be promoters of a more sustainable environment through active citizenship, involvement, participation and the desire to be the driving force, the agents of good practices; it aims to spread the philosophy of saving non-renewable resources, the consumption at zero kilometers and approach to Zero Waste reuse, creative recycling. All activities will be based on non-formal and informal methods, on the full involvement of young people, through "learning by doing", peer education and sharing. The project will also involve disadvantaged young people in terms of economic, social and cultural development; in parallel it will be involved the government and Sicilian authorities who are trying to promote the environmental and economic sustainability. During the project we will compare the best practices that everyone can follow to save the planet, we will develop an urban garden and it will be measured the impact of each on the welfare of the planet. The participants will make aware the public of this topic during exhibitions and flash mobs in the streets and through the internet and social networks, trying to thrill even their friends on environmental issues. All information materials created by the participants will be published and disseminated on line.
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