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Green Kitchen giovani cuochi in mobilità
Start date: Jun 21, 2016, End date: Jun 20, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The concept of sustainable development is focused on the impact of human activities on the environment, the economy, human health and social structure.An increasing number of brands are promoting items about environment respect “in both touristic and catering chains” Nowadays the chefs are facing new professional challenges in carrying out "sustainable food", often not developed in traditional training courses. So there is a specific training needs of these issues.Through internship, participants will develope abilities related with “sustainability” as expertise in professional kitchen They have to consider in particular:1. Raw material2. Schedulist3. Preparationwith a speciale care for details related to the type of menu, food and drinks: origin of the ingredients , use of organic products, attention to the presence of GMOs, to chemicals and supplies used, energy and water, waste management, environmental management of catering service.In addition to this, the project aims to develop and recognize through internship the key skills, transversal and professional-tecnical skill: Key competencies:• To comunicate in foreign languages• Learning to learn, as ability to actively partecipate to leaerning activities bringing their own personal contribution• social and civic competences. In this case the emphasis will be on ability to act independently and responsibly, knowing and observing both professional standards and specific rules related to sustainability• cultural awareness and expression. The capacity to understand cultural identity of an area is definitely an added value for those who want to exercise chef profession in a professional way, taking account of the intercultural dimension:Transversal skills• Problem solving: development of a sense of responsibility and autonomy, decision-making skills, heuristic attitude and ability to learn from the situations• Ability in team work: will be enhanced by awareness and ability to work in a roup, with harmony and agreement between all components.• ability to communicate and to relate: the characteristic turnover staff in food businesses, the seasonal nature of dining business located in tourist areas, means that, in the early years of career, a chef works seasonally or operate for short periods in the same company. Especially youngest people want to do different experiences. In this context, as in the context of working groups in the kitchen, skills in relating and communicating empathetically ensure easier placement. The project aims to create transnational mobility sessions for people with the following characteristics: apprentices, audult students from vocational school, high school new graduates who attended technical and professional course within tourism and HORECA sectors, in mobility within a year from graduation; newly qualified (HORECA sectors), in mobility within a year from qualification. The duration of flows of mobility is 7 weeks, seven weeks excluding the journey. The flows will be: 1. n. 10 participants to be sent to Germany2. n. 15 participants to be sent to Spain3. n. 10 participants to be sent to France4. n. 10 participants to be sent to Greece5 n. 10 participants to be sent to Portugal6 n. 5 participants to be sent to LithuaniaEach mobility session will be preceded by i nformation sessions to explain the main goals and objects of the activities that will be carried out, the how to stay on site and apprenticeship.The structures hosting mobility are among those in possession of environmental certification or using seasonal products, short chain, biological etc. In each country will be identified structures that make vegetarian cooking, so that the interested candidates can apply to perform mobility in these enterprises.
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6 Partners Participants