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Green European Generation 2016
Start date: Aug 16, 2016, End date: Oct 15, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of exchanges arose from a will between European organizations to work together and to give an experience of high value-added mobility to the young people of whom they take care to reach the common goals of social integration, and beyond, professional. The implemented project aims at motivating the public and at favoring its social but also professional integration by handling the theme of the sustainable development. The theme of the sustainable development is a way to value the innovation and at the same time the entrepreneurial spirit, by bringing to envisage new ideas. The adaptability and the capacity to be innovated are the virtues of the youth to be encouraged at the beginning of the active life. Besides, the sustainable development promotes another vision with the research of long-term profits and not focused only on the short term. The interest for the sustainable development, confirms as asset quality and allows the companies to answer the responsible consumers, even the public procurements.The set of the participants, the young people and the English guide as well as the young people and the French guides follow a program of activities in London alternating visits, workshops, trail round discovery and informal times (orienteering race, games). The participants will have all the necessary resources to lead a reflection on the subject. This reflection is shared and enriched during workshops. They share their online experience with their ideas and their felt or teachings emanated from role plays.The results hoped with young people: reflection, self-assessment of the experiences, the evaluation of the activities, the impulse of personal projects and encouragement in the mobility; with the participants: confirmation and enrichment of the educational methods, the help(assistant) to the management of multicultural group; at the level of the territory: animation; at the level of the participating organizations: development of international activity and the professional relations.The impact aimed at the local, national and European level: re-energization of territories; the promotion(class) of the mobility and more particularly the tools and the actions(shares) Erasmus + and the division(sharing) of the results(profits) of a project for emulation. The impact wished(desired) on structure is the strengthening of partnerships with international organizations and the division(sharing) of best practice
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