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Green Entrepreneurship; New skills for rural areas through development of curricula and training

The project aims at increasing awareness of environmental issues in entrepreneurship training to vocational students in upper secondary education. The need for the project comes from the ongoing change of curricula in the participating countries to fulfil and meet the needs of small entrepreneurship in rural areas. There is a need to create new jobs in these areas and the project aims at reviving old traditional skills for the use of nature and natural products to create new entrepreneurship. The partnership aims at collecting green elements for entrepreneurship teaching in different sectors of vocational education. During the first year of the project the partners will share their existing best practices in entrepreneurship through benchmarking visits. The final result of each partner will be green products, green enterprises combining natural resources and other educational sectors and/business life/social partners built into local curricula with theoretical and practical content. The curricula will be developed through long term process of the students’ participation and independent work during studies. The students will create a forum for virtual trade (Ning) in the internet where they can buy and sell the products they produce during the project process. The students will also be involved in the mobility by participating in the entrepreneurship course in the partner country during the second year of the project.

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6 Partners Participants