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Granollers on the move
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Institut Escola Municipal de Treball in Granollers (Catalonia) submits this mobility project in the field of VET, under the title Granollers on the move (acronym Granmove).The center, whose owner is the City Council of Granollers, starts with this projects its firm commitment to the internationalisation, and specifically in the VET field. This commitment has to do with the II Strategic Plan of the city of Granollers, and its Internationalisation Plan, and also with the fact that Granollers has a VET Council, to foster and increase its reputation in the city and its influence area.The school took part previously in some European projects, but it intends, with the current project, to start a consistent and long-lasting internationalisation process.The participants will be four VET students, and they will be hosted in companies in the United Kingdom, in order to follow there the compulsory subject of Practical Training in companies.The participants will be students of the following profiles:- car mechanic- electricity and automatic systems- nurse assistant- electromechanical maintenanceThe main goals of the project are as follows:- at strategical level, to provide the school with a European dimension, to improve its attractiveness in the city of Granollers and surrounding area- to strengthen the link between education and work worlds- to improve the educational portfolio of the school, including international placements- to offer the students the chance to live an international experience- to improve the CV of the students taking part in the mobilities, increasing their attractiveness among companies and recruiters- to improve technical, language and soft skills both of students and members of school staff involved in the projectThe placements in the UK will include the compulsory activities detailed in each VET training plan. The participants will practice in a real company the skills they have been learning while they were learning at school.Some soft skills are expected to be achieved, developed or improved: adaptability, communication, initiative, willingness to learn, self-management.The expected impacts of the project among the participants are:- better English level- personal development and maturity- increase of employabilityAmong the staff, the project will improve their project management skills and also their language level. Last but not least, the project will impact at macro level:- in the town of Granollers and its area, since the attractiveness and reputation of the school wil be increased- the reputation of the school will be better among the companies in the area, because of the dissemination of the international mobilities among them- the companies themselves will benefit in the near future of new professionals with international experience- the achievement of the goals of the Strategic and Internasionalisation Plans of the Town of Granollers
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