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Грамотни в глобалния свят на 21 век
Start date: Jul 6, 2015, End date: Jul 5, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The presented project ‘Literate in the global world of the 21st century’ is directed to enriching the school staff’s knowledge and skills of organizing an effective, educational training process without drop-out students. Its realization will be through updating of the applied methods and including ICT and Internet instruments for the control of the education quality and communication with parents living abroad. In the course of the project special attention will be paid to including the students with special needs in the project activities. A key aim is the future common activity with colleagues from Program countries of Erasmus+. Within the project totally seven training processes in three structural courses will be realized abroad based on the following subjects: - Use of ICT and WEB2 instruments in the school process as well as for communication with students, parents, colleagues, including also such from EU countries; - Use of innovative, creative methods in foreign language education, which change the classroom atmosphere and enrich the quality of education; - Overcome of the process of dropping-out of students and reduction of absence from school; Training will be held in French and English. The training courses are directed to educators who work with students who are from 10 to 16 years old (from third graders to those completing compulsory school age), but this age frame can widen within the overspread of the knowledge learned during the courses. The concrete participants will be chosen on a rival principle by a committee of members, who are experts outside the school, according to clear and precise criteria adopted at a Teachers council in advance. During the realization of the project after the trainings presentations on the material learned at school, open lessons, competitions and exhibitions of the project activities will be organized. These activities will stimulate new participants to take part in the project activities and will give them interesting ideas for enlarging the circle of advantages of the current project realization. As a result of the training we expect: - Increased knowledge and skills for effectively organized lessons and activities of interests for the daily boarding groups through using ICT, the positive emotions during work and increased motivation of both students and teachers in the process of education that will lead to our students’ higher achievements; - Improved skills for applying psychological contrivances to the work with students in a difficult family and social condition and overcome of the students’ drop-out from our school; - Involving parents living abroad or in other settlements through innovative methods of communication; - Using the students’ emotions for conducting an integrated, effective educational process for all the students; - Increased activity during the common work at school and with colleagues from other European countries, using the opportunities of the Internet and WEB2 instruments; - Improved practical skills for communication in a foreign language and common work with colleagues from abroad for creating a stimulating environment of education; - Enriched knowledge about the variety of Europe and skills for tolerant behaviour and understanding of the differences. The long-term advantages of the project ‘Literate in the global world of the 21st century’ are: increased activity in the school staff and our students; skills for common work with partners from near and far combined with adequate decision making in a dynamically changing situation that will allow them to be equal members of the globalizing society. Last but not least, we hope that our students will be successful, happy and tolerant people who have respect for the rights and dignity of the others.

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