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Graffiti Culture
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: May 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Graffiti Culture" was an ambitious youth exchange that brought together 42 young people from 3 European and 3 South Eastern Europeam countries in order to express themselves through urban art. Urban art is a modern form of expression of young urban citizens. Many of them come from disadvantaged backgrounds and traditional forms of youth participation are not suitable for them. Urban art can be a way of expression for them. Graffiti and other kinds of urban art can be their voice that expresses their opinions, points of view, perspectives and emotions. It is also a great tool that helps to work and empower young people with fewer opportunities that were also present in this project. The youth exchange brought together young people, who felt they are urban artists and urban citizens. Graffiti is an interesting creative way of expression. Graffiti or tagging is often understood only in negative way and perceived by citizens as destructive. We can see that Dudelange, Luxembourg public spaces are being degradated by tags. We believe that with this project we managed to show to the citizens of Luxembourg that graffiti and urban art can also be a legitimate way of cultural expression, that it can be undertaken through legal means and express the voices of young people.
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