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GRABNOWAML - GRowing Access to Basic kNOWledge for the Aircraft Maintenance Licence
Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has established international requirements for the qualification of the aircraft maintenance staff, known as EASA Part 66.It defines knowledge and skills to acquire in order to obtain and retain the Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML).The project will focus on defining and pilot test an integrated learning environment (made up of ICT based systems, learning methodology, e-learning contents and services) that can deliver and manage innovative blended learning paths (blp) leading to the basic knowledge and skills for obtaining the AML in accordance with EASA Part 66. The partners will test, under realistic conditions, the approach and environment by delivering a blended learning path (including e-learning units, instructor-led classroom sessions, virtual classroom sessions and skill assessment) with samples of end users. An additional objective of the project will be the definition of criteria to evaluate and monitor this type of innovative blp, so that regulatory bodies such as EASA can officially recognise and certify it. This will facilitate the mobility of learners and workers in the European aircraft maintenance sector where there is a shortage of qualified personnel. The project contributes to the overall LLP objective of developing innovative ICT-based services and practices for Lifelong Learning, that can enhance the management of human factors issues accompanying the changes and innovations in the target sector. The project therefore will carry out two lines of activities: 1. develop a practical application of an ICT based learning environment to manage, deliver and monitor a blp for the AML 2. definition of quality and standardisation criteria for the official recognition and certification of blended learning paths for the AML
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3 Partners Participants