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GoU 3
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“GoU 3” is a logical follow up of an extremely successful youth exchange that took part in Moldova in October, 2012 and another "Grounds of Understanding 2: Norway" in September 2013. The third round of exchange will gather together mixed groups of experienced participants and also newcomers from Norway, Ukraine, Moldova and United Kingdom in Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. During a week in August 2014, teenagers of age 15-18 will get acquainted with different cultures, explore challenges of living in multicultural environment and discover most important human features that unite all young people beyond language and geographical barriers. Likewise the previous exchange “GoU 3” will employ the best practices of non-formal education such as creative workshops, quests, discussions, energizers and role games. The project will be particularly focused on social interaction. Participants are expected to communicate and cooperate with the local community in a wide range of common activities, such as video production, photo projects or graffiti drawing. Beside this, young people will have plenty of time for having fun and sightseeing. After this exchange young people of different cultural and social backgrounds will know better life realities of each other as well the value of true friendship, tolerance and understanding. They will also be equipped with best skills of constructive and efficient communication in a highly diverse team.
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