Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 30, 2016
Joliot Curie High School in situated in the city of Sète and is classified sensitive. It is located in a pleasant and geographically strategic region. It brings together 400 students in the areas of car maintenance, maintenance of industrial equipment, electronics, electricity and boiler making. Most students are in social, family and academic difficulties and are recruited locally. They have very little opportunity to open up culturally or travel outside their region. The willingness of teams of teachers and management to expand internationally is strong and everything is implemented so that it leads through participation in workshops, seminars, study visits or business trips, eTwinning partnerships as well as school trips in various European countries each year. Teams are motivated and united and try to lead students in their wake.
This is the first time that the school applies for a European program. Thanks to the project entitled GOT TO SET spanning 24 months, the school wants students to do part of their compulsory internship in companies in Gothenburg, Sweden. The objectives are various: the fight against identity politics and school dropout, working for equal opportunities, build autonomy, encourage initiative, improve the level of skills (linguistic, cultural and professional) or develop the concept of European citizenship. The main objective is to promote student success by providing the confidence necessary to build and face the labor market.
GOT TO SET includes several participants. 9 students in car mechanics, industrial electronics and maintenance, shall participate and will be selected according to strict criteria. They will be accompanied by 4 teachers at key moments of the stay. Swedish partners are GTC, MTG and IT- Gymnasiet schools. The three schools work in direct partnership for years with the Volvo factory and Volvo and Volkswagen car garages and some of their students are already doing their internships there. These partners have been encountered during a preparatory visit to Gothenburg paid by Joliot Curie High School. Over the months of correspondence by emails and telephone calls confidence has been established among all.
This year, the 3 Swedish schools were already involved in various partnerships and Joliot Curie high school will provide them letters of intent next year, when they apply for Erasmus + . Joliot Curie will take care of the organization for transport, support, hosting and installation of students in their various training sites. It will be greatly helped by the 3 Swedish partner schools as specified in the letters of intent. The entire project will be managed rigorously.
Joliot Curie High School provides various activities throughout these 24 months. Students benefit from educational, linguistic and cultural preparation provided by their teachers and by a Swedish Comenius assistant. The workshop teachers have already started to prepare with the help of their colleagues teaching English and this will continue until the departure. Students are informed from this opportunity from this year to do their internship in Sweden next year and they will apply and will be selected by a committee. Selected students will attend meetings with their families. They will do their four-weeks internship in November-December 2014 for the first mobility and during the same period in 2015 for the second mobility. When they are back , they will write an internship report and share their experiences through videos, slide shows, lectures, photo exhibitions, articles in the school newspaper or in the local press... The schedule may be adjusted according to needs and problems which may be encountered. Of course, throughout this period, the communication between the different partners will continue to be done by emails, phone, Skype, video conferencing…
In the end, different impacts are expected. Concerning the students, we hope to better their exam success Bachelor Business, a further study or professional employment, facilitation of social relationships, personal development and greater autonomy. Concerning accompanying teachers they will become levers for strengthening teamwork and communication and will bring new projects. Concerning the school, its image will be improved.
The results will be shared through the school website, the school newspaper, a photo exhibition, the regional press, especially during the Europass graduation in the presence of different people.