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Going the gypsy way
Start date: Jul 1, 2010,

The „Going the gypsy way‴ project is an international youth exchnage held in GA?rdony, between 17-26 September with the partcipation of fewer opportunity youth (minority, living under state care, unemployed) from isolated, stimulusless environment together with peer students, who step on an imaginary road in search for their abilities and possibilities. During thematical days of the youth exchange (e.g.:Getting to know each other day, Cooperation day, Inner voice day, Creation day etc.) youngsters from Italy, Austria,the Czeck Republic and Hungary dicover together the differences and similarities in their cultures, while making cross-border friendships. During the youth exchange project the participants can face new perspectives through non-formal, interactive tasks (such as drama, sport, music, creative-fashion show, dance etc) thus opening up for a more colorful way of life in Europe.The main topics of the exchange is the search of identity and the fight against exclusion. Our overall aim is also to increase the ability of initiating in the youngsters and to motivate them to start achiving their goals at home, with the help of all experiences they got here.

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