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Going Green - Teaching regional solutions to environmental challenges
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Three of the participating four schools have successfully co-operated on previous Comenius projects. Based on the experiences we have had and after analyzing the impact of the previous projects, we feel that another project is needed in order to further improve the quality of education and to provide the students with competences they could not develop in regular classwork. Co-operating with colleagues from other countries will give the teachers valuable information about new and innovative teaching methodologies and techniques used in different parts of Europe. Something new for all the participants will be the concept of Trialogical learning, through which we hope to make the education more attractive. Furthermore, we aim to improve students’ key competencies that are relevant when preparing them for their future careers, such as communication in foreign languages, basic competences in science and technology, digital competence, learning to learn as well as added civic competences. As we are convinced that the environment is a topic which is of particular interest for the students on the one hand, and for a wider public on the other hand, we chose to work on this topic, with the aim to raise students´ awareness of environmental problems and to deal with them in a sustainable way in the different parts of Europe by producing informative, pedagogical material and disseminating it in our respective communities. Four schools will participate in this project. 12 students from each school will be taken to participate in the mobilities, accompanied by 1-3 teachers. At school, this core team will disseminate the results to a wider public. Biology and science teachers will be involved in order to guarantee the quality of the material produced by the students. Prior to each mobility the students will do research on the different subtopics. They are required to organize their work and share their ideas with students from other participating schools using eTwinning or other appropriate virtual methods. In the project meetings, based on the research, the students will create material that can be used for teaching the subject and disseminating the results. During the mobilities the students will also get additional information through visiting local companies and organizations relevant to the topic. In this project we will implement the pedagogical approach of Trialogical learning which means those forms of learning where learners are collaboratively developing, transforming, or creating shared objects of activity (in this project: teaching material) in a systematic fashion. Trialogical learning concentrates on the interaction through developing these common, concrete objects (or artefacts) of activity, not just between people ("dialogical approach"), or within one's mind ("monological" approach). According to the principles of Trialogical learning, this project will produce different kinds of tangible results, such as brochures, posters, videos or other kinds of digital presentations. These products will create a lasting teaching resource that can be used when the subject is dealt with in future courses and that can also be developed further, if necessary, even after the project has ended. Further expected long term impacts are the above-mentioned increased key competences, heightened awareness of specific environmental issues and of European citizenship as well as the improved quality of education through teachers getting the opportunity to get to see specific teaching methodologies and techniques used in other countries.
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3 Partners Participants