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GoGolf Europe
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

GoGolf EUROPEA collaborative project on sport, health and participationThe intended project will be focused on golf, health and participation. There will be two high-level objectives:A. Increasing the awareness of, and evidence base for, the health benefits of golf for citizensB. Driving increased participation in the sport of golf at a pan-European levelThese aims will be framed within a key agenda for the transnational collaborative projects component of the sport section of Erasmus+, i.e., projects which:“Promote voluntary activities in sport, together with social inclusion, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of health enhancing physical activity, through increased participation in and equal access to sport for all.” Furthermore, GoGolf EUROPE will also seek to fulfil the Programme objective of:“Working with European partners to share innovative ideas, promote sport or address sport-related challenges” Leading on from the two high-level objectives, there will be two main work areas for the project:1. Collating and developing the evidence base for the health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) benefits of golf2. Developing and implementing a pan-European initiative designed to realise and cascade these HEPA benefits to citizens through increasing golf participation at a grassroots level.The work areas will be based around innovative and collaborative new approaches to both research and practice.

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