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Go for I.T.(C.)!
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

After analyzing the needs of the organization, Primary and Middle School Poienarii de Muşcel decided to apply for a grant in Erasmus+ Programme, which is meant to promote the professional development of the teachers and the increase of the quality of education provided by our institution.The main objective of our project is represented by the professional development of five pedagogical staff which will participate, for seven days, at a training course in Spain, concerning “Innovating Skills in ITC”- Innovative skills in ICT through collaborative and project-based teaching and learning.Other important objectives of the project are:- increasing to 10 the number of teachers that frequently use ITC in teaching their subjects;-reducing by 1 or 2 /year the number of students leaving our school to study in the neighboring town Campulung Muscel, due to the idea of having better trained teachers;- increasing the educational efficiency of the students (at formal evaluations) by 5%, after the implementation of new methods and techniques of teaching and learning.Through this course, we intend to train five of the pedagogical staff, teaching primary and middle school students, which are involved in our school’s activities, which have good knowledge of English, have good digital skills needed for the course, and which are going to disseminate the acquired knowledge in order to improve the teaching –learning process in our school by the use of ITC.The main activity of the project is the participation of our teachers at the training course. In order to share the acquired experience, the participants will teach five model lessons in our school and two lessons in other schools , there will be five presentations and films with examples of good practices.After the implementation of the new techniques there will be an analysis and comparison of the data concerning evaluation and progress.Students will answer questionnaires referring to the impact of the new teaching techniques in their comprehension and performance.The expected results of the project are:-Five of our pedagogical staff will be trained to use ITC;- Ten of our pedagogical staff will frequently use ITC in teaching;-Seven model lessons taught in our school or in partner schools;-Fifty questionnaires which analyze the effect of the new methods on student’s acquisition of different school subjects;-Five comparative graphics which demonstrate the differences between the test results of students before and after the use of the new technology.After the implementation of the project, we expect to increase the level of digital competences and English speaking competences of the pedagogical staff. The project is meant to make students involve more in the learning process and to make them more effective in the learning process. We expect lowering school –dropping in our institution. The experience acquired during the project will allow us to the introduce new optional subjects based on the use of ITC, will stimulate applications for other projects which will aim at professional development of the pedagogical staff, the improvement of the material base of our school and will lay the foundations of future European collaboration.
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