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Go digital! Culture at your fingertips
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Despite significant superiority over the younger generation in the form of greater life knowledge and experience, people aged 50+ often undergo a gradual marginalization. The reasons are multiple, but one of them definitely is digital exclusion which not only causes one’s economic but also personal losses – leading to withdrawal from life, less confidence and worse understanding of the fast-changing reality. On the other hand benefits people aged 50+ can get from sufficient digital skills, e.g. using the Internet, are numerous: i.a. better chance of finding a job, more friends, higher level of general trust, engagement in the life of local communities, higher self-esteem, more active participation in culture, in general – higher quality of life of particular people, but also whole societies.Learning, especially lifelong learning, is no longer associated with the traditional education system only, and teaching is no longer the sole province of schools. Widening the circle of institutions offering educational activities by adding NGOs, informal groups and cultural institutions can support innovations and new approach to learners. 6 partners from Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia and Sweden that work with adults and are fully aware of the importance of continuous learning within this group, decided to join their efforts for the common aim - to increase knowledge and skills of their staff through exchange of experience and good practices in the area of culture and adult education, in order to develop the project product – an offer of activities supporting development of digital skills in adults aged 50+, by means of cultural activities.Profiles of the participating organisations range from a company focusing on knowledge and transfer of innovations in the field of lifelong learning, through folk universities with a variety of educational activities and culture centres offering cultural education, to an association dealing with visual arts and languages, and new forms of communication. This diversity guarantees a wide coverage of aspects related to the chosen subject and, at the same time, allows to avoid repeating old patterns while working on common solutions and the project product.The partners will meet six times during transnational meetings, once in each partner’s country, to allow their staff to learn from each other, exchange experience and develop activities targeted at people aged 50+ with low digital skills, some of which will then be tested by the partners during local workshops. Digital skills will be shaped by adequately chosen activities in the field of broadly defined culture and arts, waking participants’ creativity and using their inborn creative potential. The project also indirectly engages other local organisations and institutions – NGOs, third age universities and other institutions working in each partner’s environment that offer support to the partners in development of the project product. Such network will support the partner organisations also in future, after the project ends.

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5 Partners Participants