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GNSS DAta Pool for PerFormances PredIction and SimuLation of New AppLications for DevelopERs (GAPFILLER)
Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the increase of criticality level of the GPS applications, products manufacturers and developers are now requesting a relevant mean to predict performances and reliability of their future applications. Often SMEs have ideas that sometimes cannot be implemented because they depend on the availability of data resources or specialised tools that are too expensive to obtain.In this context, GAPFILLER project aims at filling the gap between big manufacturers and SMEs by providing the researchers and developers' community with a unique extensible data pool enabling performances prediction and simulation of new Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based applications and algorithms. GAPFILLER consortium aim is to create quality content and innovative services and to allow people to access and use online content and services across GNSS technologies barriers.The main objective of the GAPFILLER project is to define, build and disseminate a powerful data pool of worldwide GNSS measurements enabling low cost tests campaigns, performances predictions and simulations of new GNSS based applications.Main targeted benefits are:-The development of an innovative use of a common GNSS database for performances assessment that will drastically reduce the cost of tests campaigns and certification process.-The adaptation of the EGNOS aeronautical integrity concept to new application domains that will allow SMEs to gain the know-how for exploiting it and getting competitive advantage.-The knowledge transfer between technology providers/data brokers and content providers (especially SMEs) boosting development speed of EGNOS and GALILEO services.By promoting adoption of EGNOS and emergence of a new data economy related to GALILEO, the consortium will maximize the Return Of Investment of one of the most important budget line of the European Commission that has already plan to invest 3.4 billion Euros for the implementation and launch of the GALILEO satellites constellation.

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