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GMS Mörikeschule goes Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With this project we want to live up to the requirements of the Gemeinschaftsschule. We want to be able to optimally approach the changing body of students, relieve the teaching staff by closer cooperation and design our teaching methods innovatively. We want to internationalize our school by initiating close contacts to European schools to be able to start partnerships which will enrich the whole school life. The teaching staff will be able to contribute to the school development by this gain of competences and the experiences it made from the exchange with European colleagues. Therefore one teacher is going to attend the course “project management”. The goal of the course is for more members of the project group Erasmus+ to become acquainted to the field of European project work on an organisational level. By attending the course "Implementation of Blended Learning including a quality framework" we want to be able to create and structure own Blended Learning Courses in all kind of projects. Three interested colleagues will take “language courses” in the foreign language English. These persons have prior experiences in the fields of working with competence grids, teaching GMS in the past two years and using new media in their teaching. The language courses are supposed to help preparing the colleagues for the cooperation with European partners, as they are experiencing insecurities regarding communication with the partners. The organization and structure of teaching- and learning situations in the Gemeinschaftsschule is supposed to be improved. By setting quality standards in European comparison the quality of teaching shall be improved. Therefore we are sending two colleagues to the Dutch partner school to do “Job Shadowing” and two colleagues with prior experience in working with Tablets to the course ”Usage of Tablets in teaching”. The colleagues will be conducting an information event in school to subsequently support teachers interested in working with Tablets in class. This is supposed to happen by mutual class visits. The integration of students from international preparation classes, whose number is constantly rising due to the momentary refugee situation, into standard learning groups shall be made easier for all parties involved. The course "Diverse society-Diverse Classrooms”will be attended by a colleague who teaches a class containing several students from an international preparation class. By doing this we want to establish a contact person for the teaching staff who is able to offer consultatory support. To reach these goals a project group called Erasmus+, which is responsible for the coordination of all ongoing and future measures, has been launched in the ongoing school year. In the upcoming school year a total of nine new colleagues will attend five different courses in Europe and two colleagues will travel to the partner school in the Netherlands for Job Shadowing. The distribution of the project`s results will amongst others take place through individuals in functional positions, information events and networks.

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