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gLocal Garden
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

The project “gLocal Garden” from 05.-25-5-2014 will bring together 8 volunteers from Belarus, Georgia, and Spain. The volunteers’ main tasks during this three week long group EVS project will be the building of a community garden in Nurmes together with local youngsters. Volunteers will be accommodated in Hyvärilä and work mainly in the town. Preparational activities will be recycling old material to re-use it for the project in cooperation with the local food shop run by local cooperative (Makasiini Osuuskunta). Different kinds of plants, herbs, flowers and vegetables will be planted together with the local youth to get their first experiences in gardening. The positive experiences of growing of their own food, sustainability, knowing where the food is coming from and the sense of being part of nature can be gained from early childhood on- Although there is nature all around Nurmes there is not such a concept like a community garden. The project also aims to bring a sense of community activities to the region of North-Karelia, where the people are used to work individually – also because the remote areas they live in. The garden should be used by the local kindergarten, schools and other groups which are involved with youngsters. Workshops, environmental-themed days or cooking evenings in the local youth café can be organized by the volunteers. Their role will be important as the are part of a long-lasting environmental project as well as they state a good example for the local community for living healthy and eco-friendly with little effort and budget.

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