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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT The IC Assisi 3, for years has been pursuing a policy of internationalization, with the aim of building the European citizenship , participating in many of the actions of the European Programme LLP, Pestalozzi, international networks " NELLIP and" SoC School on the Cloud : connecting education to the Cloud for digital citizenship ". The internationalization policy has been pursued mainly in the following aspects: 1 - design of a vertical curriculum with a strong European dimension 2 - promotion of communicative competence in the English language in all 3 levels of school 3 - promotion of innovative methodological approaches and planned CLIL experimentation in the school year 2017-2018 4 - introduction of ICT in teaching and organization. Several innovative projects have been implemented in recent years or are still in progress. TEACHER TRAINING To support innovation the IC Assisi3 institute has put in place a training plan addressed to teachers that includes both distance / presence mode at the international, national , regional level . There were numerous courses on the use of the LIM and on the educational resources of Web 2.0 within the institution , supporting by a Moodle platform. Two networks of ongoing training in " Environments : we research " , as an action to accompany the new National Guidelines 2012 for curriculum and "Assisi in Clou" to promote the use of Google app for education. Since several years the school has organized English coursesadressed to the teaching staff , administrative staff and parents . For students in kindergarten and primary classes courses led by external English native speakers experts . For secondary school are organized courses with language certification level A2/B1 and internships abroad with a frequency of immersion courses with accommodation in local families. OBJECTIVES Promoting language skills and methodologies in the teaching of a foreign language through ICT for the teaching staff of the institute. These skills are essential to support : 1 - the process of ongoing innovation 2 - Improving the quality of teaching / learning 3 - the implementation of CLIL sperimentation scheduled for the school year 2017-18 4 - the widest participation of the teachers and administrative staff at numerous international projects implemented in the school. PARTICIPANTS 15 participants for 30 mobilities in two years 1-pre- primary teachers > to assist external mother tongue experts with plays and activities and TPR in English 2 - primary school teachers > English foreign language holders , to improve the quality of their teaching. Other subjects teachers for using CLIL as a teaching method 3 -first - grade secondary school teachers > English foreign language holders , to improve the quality of their teaching. Other subjects teachers for using CLIL as a teaching method in English 4 - administrative staff and headteacher > to enhance the ability of management of EU projects and to support the process of internationalization of the institution 1st YEAR ACTIVITIES • selection of participants according the criteria established • Frequency of language /methodological courses abroad according the needs of the participants • consolidation of skills acquired in the courses abroad attending the “English Cafè” • Activation of the eTwinning platform to familiarize with the host job shadowing schools • organisation of the job shadowing at the Norwegian school . Assessment, evaluation, dissemination 2nd YEAR ACTIVITIES • organisation of the job shadowing at the Scottish school • intensification of relationship with the Norwegian and Scottish school mediated by eTwinning • Mobility in in Scotland • monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of expected results • beginning organization of the CLIL sperimentation for the following year METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION • communication mediated by eTwinning • collaboration between teachers within the school and with colleagues in Norway and Scotland • sharing learning resources with the partner schools • methods of multimedia documentation • empowerment of the capacity of building training / self-training of human resources of the institution EXPECTED RESULTS • improving the quality of teaching / learning • capacity of the teachers to support the implementation of CLIL sperimentation scheduled for the school year 2017-18 • wider participation of teachers and administrative staff at numerous international projects implemented in the school • greater penetration of the European dimension in the vertical curriculum of the school • strengthening of the process of internationalization • promotion of active European citizenship LONG-TERM RESULTS Implementation of a systemic plan to raise the quality level of : • methods of teaching foreign languages • use of ICT in teaching • penetration of the European dimension
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