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Globalisering-Forlagt Undervisning og Praktik
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project (GLOFUP) consists of two elements, partly a 2-week study visit to Malaga in Spain or Dublin in Ireland and a one-week work placement in a company/institution/organization in Malaga/Dublin. The participants in the study visit are 40 third-year students from HHX (Higher Commercial Course) GLOFUP helps to improve the students’ ability to interact successfully with representatives from other cultures according to the intentions in The Area Study (SO3) in the third year of Hhx and to the general objectives of the Hhx Departmental Order where cultural understanding is seen as an integrated part of the teaching at the Higher Commercial Course. For a description of the study visit see enclosed programme.GLOFUP’s primary aims are to improve the students’ insight into the world view, values and norms of another culture, to improve the students’ ability to speak Spanish and English fluently about everyday topics and about cultural, political and economic topics so that they can manage successfully in a still more globalised world. The students’ insight into and understanding of Spanish/Irish culture and their ability to communicate about everyday topics are expected to be improved considerably due to the home-stay arrangements.In Spain the more complex parts of the curriculum about issues like culture, politics and global economy will be taught in English – due to the students’ rather limited Spanish language skills. The students are supposed to make a synopsis in English and to make a presentation for the Spanish schools’ academic staff about the issues and their work placement at a Spanish company.Before the study visit, the students are introduced to cultural theory and theories on economy and politics and shortly after their return, they are supposed to make a synopsis which will be evaluated as part of The International Area Study/SO3.The teaching elements at our partner schools in Spain and Ireland will focus on cultural analysis, the current political, historic and economic issues of the country, the globalization stage and globalization readiness of the country. All teaching and class activities will be in English (in Spain some elements are taught in Spanish). The teaching programme also includes relevant cultural visits and visits to relevant financial and political institutions.The work placement partly includes “job shadowing” where students have the opportunity to gain an insight into Spanish/Irish corporate culture and organizational structure and where they participate in solution of assignments which they are competent at via their education or general knowledge from work situations in Denmark. Moreover, the students will acquire knowledge of how Spanish and Irish companies organize and structure their workplaces and tasks, work with different problems areas and how they cooperate.The purpose of the study visit/work placement is to encourage the students to work and/or study abroad.The study visit /work placement takes place from end-September 2016 to mid-October 2016. Both study visits last three weeks, one week is organized as work placement in a Spanish/Irish company and during the two other weeks the students are taught at Debla/Alpha College – our Spanish/Irish collaborators.The project is run by SOH’s international coordinator who is responsible for grant application, the completion of the project, budget planning and the project report.SOH is in charge of securing the quality by being represented in all stages of the project, including project design, preparation of students to the study visit/work placement and participation in the study visit/work placement.According to our Letter of Intent, SOH is responsible for transportation to and from the destination and for all relevant communication to the participating students such as a clear and precise description of the contents of the teaching, specification of cultural visits, company visits etc. Alpha College/Debla are responsible for the teaching agreed on, the accommodation/home-stays and for the arrangement of educational and cultural visits. Furthermore, they are responsible for finding relevant work placements in Irish and Spanish companies.

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