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Globalcity - local youth organizations in a global exchange
Start date: Nov 1, 2009,

"Glocalcity - local youth organizations in a global exchange" wants to build up a synergy with the patrimony of commitments and knowledge of 10 youth organisations. 60% of all human beings live in thecities. The cities- have a central role: they represent a space of confrontation, between conflicts and- dialogue; they are a laboratory of growth between difficulties, and resources.The Partners working in the youth sector of 5 EU states (DE, IT, RO, HU LIT) and 5 Latin-American states (CO, BR, AR, PY, UY) will activate more than 50 youngsters for one year. One aim is to involve them in "local" Cityfests in Rome (IT), Vilnius (LIT), Bucharest (RO), Budapest (HU), Solingen (DE) Curitiba (BR), Asunción (PY), O'Higgins (AR), Montevideo (UY) and Tocancipá (CO) in march 2010. This will increase the inclusion and the participation of young people in civil life, particularly on the horizon of the city. The Cityfest is accompanied by local or national activities like seminars, meetings, evenings etc, according to the needs of the different countries and focused on the civil participation in society.During a trip to Brazil in may 2010 the young people become the opportunity to take part in a social work experience, in order to bring forward new possibilities for dialogue on a European, Latin-American and intercontinental level and to give them the chance to meet and to interact, so that they can discover their central role in the construction of their hometown, the society and the democratic growth of cultures.With the Cityforum from 28th to 30th May 2010 at Curitiba (in the southern Brazilian state of Parana),this project puts strong focus on young people and on the city as a biotope, in which individual dedicationhas visible and immediate effects on the environment. Encouraging young people to take responsibilityfor their environment is an efficient way of strengthening the civil society. Letting them discover their ownstrength and capabilities will diminish personal frustration and open new space for multiculturalbehaviour. "Local" and "global" activities for the city are:-"local" meetings in the organisations and their countries--"global" Kick-off meeting«"local" Cityfests-"global" Evaluation-"local" youth social work experience in Brazil» "global" meeting during the International Congress "Cityforum" in Curitiba (BR)
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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

9 Partners Participants