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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Global-preneurship (GP) is a project which brings together seven partners from seven different countries and theree continents. In the project consortium there are project partners from Slovenia, Vietnam, Philippines, China, Nepal, India and Ivory Coast.The project addresses youth, youth workers and youth organizations. We will work on the capacity boulding of the involved organizations as well as on the youth and youth workers. One of the aims is to set up the basis for the social entrepreneurship network of the participating organizations. Social entrepreneurship offers new dimensions to the NGOs. It enables them more sustainable, stable and long-term operation.With the introduction of the social entrepreneurship there also rise the opportunities for the employmentof young people in these organizations, which makes the double impact. The employability and entrepreneurship of the young people is the other topic of the project. There will be an emphasis on the possibilities for the employment and entrepreneurship in the fields of ICT and the environmental solutions (like waste management, renewable sources, energy efficiency). These two areas were chosen for different reasons. The major is thtat these sectors offer many possibilities for the employment. The second reason is , that there are partners in the consortium which have such knowledge and experiences.To implement the project we will prepare seven transnational meetings. One in each participating country. Every transnational meeeting will last seven or eight days. During these transnational meeetings we will work with the participants from partner organizations as well as with local youth. During the activities we'll aslo meet the other stakeholders (local communities, local craftmen, employers ...) and invite them to participate in the project and in the future development.As the addition to the transnational meetings, we'll carry out also a job shadowing activity between slovenian and Philippines partners. Two memebers from Slovenia will join the Philippine partner for 15 days. The main aim of the this job shadowing is to learn about video production from the Philippines partner. They are experts in this field and they are responsible for video production of the project. One of the project outputs will be nine video products. And we wish to use video production as one of the tools and means for the non-formal education.The duration of the project is 21. It will start on 1st of October 2014 and it will finish on 30th of June 2016.

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