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Global meets local : Peers against Climate Change
Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

The volunteer from the United Kingdom will spend one year in Brussels volunteering for IFM-SEI. He will divide his time between working as part of the IFM-SEI office team, particularly focusing on the 'Peers against Climate Changes project and working with a local group of young people in Brussels. In particular, the volunteer will work in four main fields:1 ) IFM-SEI's 'Peers against Climate Change' project on the global social consequences of climate change and the role young people can play in the global fight against climate change. The volunteer will be part of the co-ordination team working on the development of the overall project. He will especially assist in training the peer educators and developing educational material on climate change.2) Working with a local group of children in Brussels, involving himself with the local community and running educational activities on climate change for the local- Faucons Rouges group.3) Interacting with other Brussels-based EVS volunteers, learning about each others' cultures and exchanging views about ways to fight climate change.4) IFM-SEI's general work especially in the field of education.In each of these fields the volunteer will be fully supported by office staff who will take the main lead.
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