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Global Identity Networking of Individuals - Support Action (GINI-SA)
Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

GINI-SA is a Support Action driven by the vision of a Personalized Identity Management ecosystem where people will control their own Individual Digital Identity (INDI) space. Individual persons will have the ability to establish and manage personalized digital identities which they will own, linking them to verifiable and authoritative national data registries. They will be able to present their chosen, verified digital identity to other physical persons or legal entities with which they wish to establish trust relationships in order to perform transactions for personal, business or official purposes. They will also be able to attach them to messages and profiles.GINI will address the individual persons' requirements and preferences for different contexts of administrative, business and social use. Respect and enhancement of privacy will determine that identity data handling and storing must be conditional to the terms of the identity owner. Work will address how trust relationships can be managed through a dynamic interface, where differentiation of services is driven by the demand and individuals' choices as to trust assurances. GINI will further examine the technological, legal, regulatory and privacy-related dimensions of the gap between the current state of the art and the vision for an INDI ecosystem beyond 2020.The overall framework to be created will account for a market space capable of dynamically developing services for the handling and storage of identity data, based on the proportionality and minimization principles. Conditions for privacy will be greatly enhanced. The situation when identity retrieval is required by law, for fraud detection or conflict resolution, will require special considerations.GINI will provide crucial building blocks by developing a research and implementation Roadmap, forecasting developments and suggesting initiatives to be undertaken, mainly by the research community but driven by institutional stakeholders.INDI services will be developed by operators acting as professional and diversified Identity Service Providers. The development of such Operators, offering choice to individuals, will form a key part of the required infrastructure. GINI will study the legal and regulatory requirements for the establishment of such Operators in the EU and will make relevant recommendations in a White Paper.GINI-SA will devote significant effort to engagement and dissemination activities. It will consult with all relevant EU stakeholders in the research community, institutional actors in the EC and Member states, the industry, and grass-roots NGOs representing end-users. GINI will further act as a forum for constructive discussion and establishment of consensus on the content and priorities of the research and implementation agenda of the next 10-20 years, its findings representative of the wider constituency of the digital identity management domain.

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