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Give and Get - Through Learning for Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of "Give and Get - Through Learning for Europe" Activity is tangible increase of following PRACTICAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCY of trainers in our organization, through learning mobility action of Erasmus Plus: 1) ability to create new ICT-based content - locally and Online, using Cloud services (iCloud, Dropbox, GoogleDrive, SkyDrive), and use of this content in innovative teaching methods and practices of Life Long Learning; 2) competency in exploiting available ICT technologies for communication, including ability of teacher and group of learners to "break the bounds of email" - learn to use of Google Services for multiple user modification of documents, learn effective exchange of multimedia files, learn to use Skype, Facetime, MobileVoIP etc. as replacement for international phone calls/SMS; 3) effective personal time management through synced desktop/laptop/smartfones devices using Microsoft Outlook, Omnifocus, Evernote and other task management programs; 4) multi-language skills, prioritizing the active use of English; 5) intergenerational teaching/learning skills through joined activities of participants of various age groups and through presentation of positive models of Life Long Learners (LLL); 6) trainer's ability to give international dimension to education activities, gaining to assess to globalized experience and bringing networking of this kind to our region - both in general as well as through particular pedagogical approaches and new presentation methods; 7) openness for personal and team bonding; 8) ability to work in culturally diverse and possibly volatile conditions for modern globalized communities. Aforementioned objective will be achieved through 4-DAY WORKSHOPS in Warsaw and Ljubljana in October-December 2014. Latvian participants of these internationalized workshops will be TRAINERS. They are professional as well as unprofessional part-time teachers, who voluntary participate in educational activities in different sections of our organization, we will choose participants with experience in establishing good contact with modern audiences and understand modern audience's needs and open-minded towards engagement of various kinds of outreach activities. During 4 days of activities in workshops teachers from Poland and Slovenia will share their expertise in the field and will provide solutions that should enhance teaching activities of Latvian trainers. Along with practical training workshops will aim at enhancing of core personal development VALUES of trainers, leading them to higher self-confidence and self-improvement, thanks to inspiration gained by sharing of new realizations with their colleagues and their teachers. Participants will be stimulated to become involved in ACTIVE EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP activities and their ability to embrace the values of cultural diversity, multicultural dialogue and creativity will increase. In order TO EMBED THE IMPACT of activity and disseminate results we will share good practice acquired in workshops with over 4200 people in regions of Latvia, whose cultural and education needs our organization is serving, as well as with volunteers, with recipients of our services, with local media, local communities and regional and national public bodies. After the completion of ASSESMENT of this Activity we will follow it up with further activities in this area, with present and new partners. We invited a particular European PARTNERS from different cultural and social settings in order to maximally enhance international dimension of our activities. Particular vision we want to promote is increased international visibility of LLL activities taking place in Latvia already for decades, activities which are conducted not only directly by our organization, but also in cooperating with our local and regional networks. Our partners are successful in education work, volunteering and assistance to people with lesser opportunities. We have regularly been taking part in Educational conferences and seminars and training workshops and through these events we saw other successful organizations with same problems and needs. Observing parallel directions in our educational methodology, seeing common needs and shared emphasis on trainers education as well as interest in developing ICT competency among our staff, we decided to start cooperating with those organizations in order to increase the quality LLL education within frame of Erasmus Plus. Our organizations have a common focus on adult education and active social involvement and inclusion as active and positive members of society. We firmly believe in its BENEFITS: the truth is that Europe needs its active citizens and their contribution. Failure to educate and employ not only lowers growth today. It also threatens it tomorrow. With help of this training program and our cooperation we will be able to offer new creative approaches and solutions for educational challenges in 21st century Europe.
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2 Partners Participants