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Girişimcilik ve mesleki yeterliliklerim
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project includes 17 participants of teachers in Trabzon Pelitli 75. Yıl Cumhuriyet Secondary School. The participants are qualified in their fields. They have enough experience, information; eager to learn new things and implement it in their classes. Besides, they are qualified in using ICT and expressing themselves easily. Nowadays the interest of students in the lessons including traditional methods has been decreasing as a result of technological advances. We aimed at removing this indifference, increasing interest and active involvement in lessons by using ICT effectively. Besides, the language competencies and communication skills of the participants will be developed by means of this project. Good application samples and experiences gained from these applications will spread around the school and the country. We have chosen our host institution via e-Twinning portal. One of these organisations is a consortium; the other is a school. In Latvia, which is one of our host institutions, a seminary is going to be held on implementing entrepreneurial competencies at school, creative strategies, the concept of entrepreneurial competencies. In Poland, workshop and presentations on fun activities, games and ICT for both teachers and students will be held. It is aimed at observing social- cultural environment in EU; increasing our cultural competencies, our participants' professional competencies and their language competencies in basic levels by means of this project. We are going to have our participants take part in the courses based on practice, short interactional lessons, discussions, cooperative learning, drama and fun activities including games and ICT. In the beginning, throughout and at the end of the courses, the contact between the participants and the directors of host institutions is going to last via e-mails and websites. A certificate showing the course content and the period of the course is going to be given. The participants will take an important role in spreading the results of their experiences to our school and the other local schools by means of presentations, leaflets, seminaries, videos, drama and discussions. In this way, participants will take an advantage of observing different countries and it is going to result in cultural interaction, motivation of other teachers, increase in the prestige of our school, development in language and communication skills of the participants. As a result of this, both a national and an international knowledge transference will have been carried out.

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