Search for European Projects

Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

Professional development of adult education staff is a key element in raising the quality of non-vocational adult education throughout Europe and has been promoted and supported by the Grundtvig programme for many years. The activities of the Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers (GINCO) revealed a number of needs coming from Grundtvig course organisers. These GINCO findings are consistent with those of the “Analysis and exploitation of the results of Grundtvig in-service training activities 2000-2009”, a recent study, ordered by DG EAC. In both reports it is recommended to encourage the development of quality assurance mechanisms for Grundtvig courses, including validation of learning outcomes, competence oriented approaches, appropriate ICT use and a provision in line with European policy. It also became clear that in order to raise the quality of Grundtvig courses a number of supporting tools need to be developed and that course organisers need specific training to run their courses in a proper way. Therefore we present GINCO Tools & Training, a follow up project of the GINCO network. The aim of this project is to improve the quality of provision and delivery of international Grundtvig IST courses by contributing to the professionalization of trainers and organisers running these courses. GINCO T&T will develop and organise a modular Grundtvig IST course for Grundtvig course organisers: “How to organise high quality GRU courses”. GINCO T&T will also develop the necessary tools. All project outcomes will be published in a manual. The course will be based on approaches and materials developed in recent highly relevant centralised projects and studies. The quality concepts used will be in line with European LLP priorities and will take into account the needs of the present Grundtvig IST action in the light of its potential to be a valued Continuing Professional Development action in the New European Education Programme in the future.
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