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"Get ready for Europe" ; Zusatzqualifikation zum Europakaufmann
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background:Our labor market turns European. That is why it becomes increasingly important to equip trainees with additional language competences and to motivate them to work in other EU member states.Project goals:We intend to offer our students the possibility of an additional qualification as European commercial management assistants. In this context we support them – in cooperation with Erasmus+ partnerships – in organizing and conducting internships abroad.Number and profile of participants:In order to achieve this, we want to provide training to 8 members of our teaching staff and to send 15 of our trainees on internships abroad as part of their additional qualification as European commercial management assistants. The students’ participation in this project is embedded in a three year dual training and is approved by their respective companies.This further education aims at extending the particpants’ language and intercultural competences, their expertise in international marketing and law as well as their ability to manage mobilities. Their profiles are as follows:1. One colleague from the field of Business Practice/Data Processing, in order to prepare the SAP sector for the European labor market.2. One member of the School Development Commission: The inclusion of knowledge concerning quality management, the school’s program and the evaluation of these areas is deemed expedient with regard to planning a future Erasmus+ project. Moreover, this person will teach the module “International Marketing/International Law” to the students who intend to acquire the European extra qualification.3. One teacher with Polish language skills: This facilitates the communication with potential Eastern European partners; she will implement a Polish curriculum and support trainees doing work placements with Polish partners.4. One teacher with Spanish language skills: This facilitates the communication with Southern European partners; he will implement a Spanish curriculum and support trainees doing work placements with Spanish partners.5. One teacher with French language skills: This facilitates the communication with Southern European partners; she will implement a French curriculum and support trainees doing work placements with French partners.6. One teacher with English language skills: This facilitates the communication with English partners; he will revise and adapt the existing English curriculum to the changing demands of the education and support trainees doing work placements with English partners.7. Two teachers with experience in the field of project management. They will on the one hand promote the management of mobilities and on the other hand generate European contacts in order to establish a school network of partners for internships.With the help of specifically designed training courses the participating staff acquire the necessary competences to implement European projects into their teaching work. They serve as multipliers for other interested teachers.Well qualified and motivated the involved teaching personnel will initiate a successful Erasmus+ project which will be exemplary for other colleagues. For students the prospect of extending their intercultural, language and social competences on the basis of supplementary training will be an attractive option that will also inspire companies providing opportunities for vocational education.

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