Search for European Projects

Get ready for Europe - Learning in Vocational Training for Office Management and IT
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The internationalization of vocational training has continually grown more relevant in the past few years. The improvement of interpersonal skills of “mobility trainees” and apprentices, who have worked abroad, seems to happen incidentally. The improvement of “soft skills” (analytical thinking, creativity, and sense of responsibility) as well as international competency are important for the apprentices and the employers alike; especially those in commercial business dealing with office management and IT. The topic of language skills is becoming a greater factor. Due to increasing market internationalization, competency of technical English (or other world languages such as Spanish) has become requisite know-how of all applicants. Thus, strong knowledge of other languages increases individual chances on the labor market twofold.
 For apprentices who work in commercial businesses, the highest achievement is the successful completion of an apprenticeship abroad. For it entails a high quality vocational training, an increased dimensionality to their European identity, and the advancement of foreign language acquisition, as well as an increased knowledge of intercultural awareness. 
In the first year, fifteen apprentices will be given the opportunity to complete a 3-week apprenticeship in a partner country.  In the second year, a subsequent group of fifteen apprentices will be given the same opportunity. They will participate in a 3-week program that will entail work in an administrative or IT related company as well as the participation in an intercultural seminar, intercultural activities and language course.
 The stay will be organized and supervised by the mobility team of H7. Clarification and establishment of  accommodations, job placement, the participation in an intercultural language course, and a mentorship with an on-site contact person will be aided by the foreign partners. The apprentices will be prepared for their foreign apprenticeship via an intercultural preparation seminar with Arbeit und Leben Hamburg. 
Expected results are: The apprentices will get to know the culture, economic and political infrastructure of a foreign country, will experience the profession of an EU country and compare it with the German version, will communicate with schoolmates, colleagues and customers and will finally prepare a public presentation of their project. Along with the German partners (H7 and Arbeit und Leben Hamburg) implementation of the study abroad program will concern the following groups and countries: UK (Foyle Language School and Tellus Group), Ireland (Partnership Europe), Malta (Paragon Europe) as well as Spain (Tangente) will be included as well and will also concern themselves with the implementation of the study abroad program. The program's aim is to guarantee both a good work experience and a good social integration into daily British, Irish, Maltese or Spanish life.

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