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GET: Global E-health Transforming services (GET)
Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The GET project will deliver four high-impact services to eHealth SMEs and entrepreneurs in order to boost their growth and move them to the next level of competitiveness. Each life-transforming service has been designed to provide cross-border value to a different target group of companies. It will do by offering training, mentoring, market intelligence, support and, above all, quality contacts.These services are:•\tGet on track: Targets early-stage companies, start-ups and entrepreneurs. It supports them to optimize their business model and commercialization strategy.•\tGet funded: Designed for SMEs looking for a second round of funding. It provides training, resources and networking opportunities with investors at European level.•\tGet global: Helps mature SMEs to access international markets by putting them in contact with foreign commercialization partners and potential customers.•\tFill the gap: Bridges between healthcare purchasers with ´market gaps´ and SMEs with the required technological skills.They have been designed to maximize direct impact to targeted beneficiaries, but without overlapping with business-development support offered by other organizations at regional or national level.The two key differentiators with the current offer are:•\tMarket-centric. Because the services will be offered to companies operating in one concrete market -Information Technology for Healthcare-, all the resources and applied expertise (both from organizers and stakeholders) will be of immediate actionable value.•\tCross-border. The 4 services have been designed with an international vision from the start. They will be delivered after a pan-European selection of the best of breed, with the support of advisors from multiple nationalities. As a result, cross-border contacts, resources and opportunities will be exchanged.GET partners are experts in the market. Thanks to their eHealth specialization and the frequent organization of facilitating initiatives and events, they have already bring together a vast international contact network of entrepreneurs, SMEs, Healthcare stakeholders, investors and business advisors. Besides, they have a previous record of successful collaboration.The project plans to directly benefit at least 75 European SMEs and 15 entrepreneurs, with a bigger number of influenced ones due to the disseminated resources and the organizations of events. The expected market acceleration as a result of the offered support would promote a wave of world-class companies in the field. The value delivered by these companies would lead to better clinical outcomes, with a related impact on finances and job creation at European level.Finally, after the lessons learnt, a business plan will be created for each service in order to offer it on market terms after project completion. By doing so, the consortium will deliver the services to further companies under a sustainable business model.
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4 Partners Participants