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Gestione integrata e promozione dei siti archeologici a Ragusa e a Malta (ARCHAEOTUR)
Start date: Apr 3, 2011, End date: Apr 3, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Archaeotur capitalizes on the experience of CULTEXCHANGE (Interreg IIIA It-Mt) to develop an integrated management approach for measures of promotion, preservation and accessibility of archaeological sites. The planning of such factors in tourism development is crucial for enhancing the heritage of the areas. The offering will be diversified by creating different "heritage trails" for tourism and education, integrating into a joint plan for the conservation, management and international marketing. The sites covered by the promotion and territorial actions are the catacombs of Ta 'Bistra (Mosta), St. Augustine (Rabat), Cava Celone, Cisternazzi and Donnafugata (Ragusa) and Mezzagnone and Pirrera and Mirio (Santa Croce C.) capitalizing on the know-how of Cultexchange project for their restoration, preservation and accessibility. At Ta 'Bistra a visitor center will be developed for and all sites will adopt innovative promotion tools: 3D Video, educational and public programs, ICT equipments such as touch screens and kiosks to provide information and multimedia images. Visitors can download maps of "Heritage Trails" , distinguished by matter and by providing guidance on accessibility, with emphasis on vulnerable groups (children and disabled). Archaeotur will associate Ragusa and Malta in a system for joint development of innovative and modern services.Archaeotur capitalizza l’esperienza di CULTEXCHANGE (Interreg IIIA It-Mt) per sviluppare un approccio gestionale che integri interventi di promozione, conservazione e accessibilità nei siti archeologici. La pianificazione di tali fattori nello sviluppo turistico è fondamentale per valorizzare il patrimonio delle aree. L’offerta verrà diversificata creando differenti “heritage trails” per fini turistici ed educativi, integrandosi in un piano congiunto di conservazione, gestione e marketing internazionale. I siti interessati dalle iniziative di promozione e dalle azioni territoriali sono le catacombe di: Ta 'Bistra (Mosta), St. Agostiniani (Rabat), Cava Celone, Cisternazzi e Donnafugata (Ragusa) e Mezzagnone, Pirrera e Mirio (Santa Croce C.), capitalizzando il know-how di Cultexchange per il loro recupero, la conservazione e la fruibilità. A Ta ‘Bistra verrà messo a punto di un centro visitatori e tutti i siti adotteranno sistemi innovativi di promozione: Video 3D, programmi didattici di fruizione, attrezzatura ICT come touch screen e chioschi multimediali per fornire informazioni e immagini multimediali. I turisti potranno scaricare le mappe degli “heritage trails” da percorrere nelle aree, distinguendoli per tematiche e fornendo indicazioni sull’accessibilità, con attenzione alle categorie fragili (bambini e diversamente abili). Archaeotur metterà a sistema i due territori di Ragusa e Malta per uno sviluppo congiunto di servizi innovativi e moderni. Achievements: The implementation of the project has led to better management, valorisation, and promotion of the archaeological sites in the Iblea area and in Malta which were subject to interventions regarding their safety and conservation. Thanks to these actions it has been possible to turn these sites into potential cultural tourist attractions thus generating the opportunity of socio-economic development in terms of numbers of visitors and in lengthening the holiday season, apart from rediscovering the roots of a common cultural identity. The ARCHAEOTUR sites were regenerated and improvements made for access, such as repairing paths and dry-stone walls, the building of wooden walkways and fencing and the setting up of a visitor welcome centre with the virtual reconstruction of the archaeological surroundings. The usability of the regenerated sites has enabled the planning and realization of common – thematically distinct – heritage trails containing maps and trail types at the Ragusa, Santa Croce Camerina, Rabat and Mosta sites. The project has placed a great deal of attention on the fruition of the heritage trails by children and the diversely able person creating learner friendly educational programmes through ICT and multimedia supports. • 9 archaeological sites regenerated with improved access • 4 heritage trails • 2 ICT kiosks • 25 information boards and tourism sign posts • 1 3D video showing a virtual reconstruction of the archaeological surroundings

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  • 84.7%   1 160 094,45
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Malta (IT-MT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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7 Partners Participants