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Gestionar, Formar, Enseñar y Aprender Idiomas en un Entorno Europeo de Calidad
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"MANAGING, TRAINING, TEACHING AND LANGUAGE LEARNING IN A EUROPEAN QUALITY ENVIRONMENT" CONTEXT The Official Language School of Llíria is a public institution, relatively young, whose Management Team and teaching staff have not enjoyed stability in their composition. We share facilities with a Secondary School and this leads to problems of coexistence between the two educational communities and hinders the development of quality management and the normal operation of an adult education center, like ours. OBJECTIVES - Improving the quality management of our institution and developing an adequate educational leadership - Development of linguistic and digital competences of teachers and students - Developing the European Dimension in and of our institution - Improving and developing the right skills to become teacher trainers PARTICIPANTS Two people, both belonging to the newly appointed Management Team, the Principal and the Director of Studies, teachers of English and French respectively. Both participants have in common a solid university education in the languages they teach, as well as a long and successful career. Besides, the two of them have a strong European vocation, a highly motivated team spirit, a great interest in further training in their professional fields and the willingness to share and disseminate this training effectively in order to deliver higher quality in all processes related to the teaching and learning of foreign languages. METHODOLOGY The funded phase of the project will take place over 2 years, during which 4 training activities will be carried out, which include courses and visits to European schools. These activities involve 5 mobilities. Also during these 2 years the monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of results and the degree of achievement of objectives will be conducted. At the end of these 2 years we will implement the plan for project sustainability over time through different activities, tools, people and institutions at local, regional, national and international levels. During all phases of the project participants will regularly meet other members of the Management Team as well as staff to develop a comprehensive project management. ACTIVITIES 4 training activities will be conducted abroad, framed within the plan to improve the quality of our institution: 1st: two-week structured course in August 2015 in the UK on "How to become a teacher trainer" 2nd: one-week structured course in December 2015 in the UK on "School Leadership and Management " with visits to adult education centres 3rd: one-week structured course in May 2016 in Portugal on "Quality Management" in schools 4th: seven-day structured seminar in October 2016 in Finland with visits to adult education centres The Principal will travel to the UK and the Director of Studies to Portugal. Both will simultaneously perform the mobility to Finland in order to observe in situ, share and exchange opinions together and directly benefit from the observation of a quality education system which provides such outstanding academic and professional results in the European context. These four activities will intermingle with dissemination, evaluation and sustainability activities, as detailed in our project. RESULTS - Increased knowledge and experience in the field of quality management and school leadership. - Language competence improvement - Greater skills in the use of ICTs in school management - Better knowledge and understanding of our organization and EOIs' network in Europe - Increased presence of the European dimension in/of our institution - Better knowledge of Europass certificates and instruments - Greater stability and training of our teaching staff - Increased cooperation and exchange of best practices between our institution and similar ones in Europe. - Possible twinnings with European cities/towns - Reports on quality management in schools, development of tangible digital materials and online questionnaires to assess quality management IMPACT IN THE SHORT TERM The project results will have a positive impact directly on the participants, as well as on their institution, their colleagues, students and on other schools and institutions at local and regional level. BENEFITS IN THE MEDIUM AND LONG TERM The project will mean the basis for the future strategic development of our institution at national and international level because it will allow us to be known as a training institution with an intention of improving quality in all processes involved in adult language teaching and learning in a European context.

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