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Generation 0101
Start date: Nov 8, 2014, End date: Nov 7, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth unemployment is a growing problem in Europe today. At the same time, the need arises of placing stronger emphasis on the development and recognition of ICT skills in order for people all over Europe to become better educated and more competitive in the job market. Project Generation 0101, implemented through partnership of seven organizations from six countries – Turkey, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Cyprus and Croatia – contributes to solving these issues by multinational partner cooperation, exchange of knowledge and skills and joint efforts. Objectives of the project include increase of competitiveness of young people in the job market and thus helping in fighting unemployment in Europe, emphasizing the importance of ICT for professional development and employability in digital industries, stressing the importance of non-formal and informal learning and raising of civic engagement of youth workers and young people in partner countries. Through project activities, seven educational modules in specialized ICT fields – e-journalism, web design, video, community web radio, easy coding, on-line collaboration and mobile app development – as well as their syllabuses and learning materials will be developed, trained among project partners through specialized workshops and transfer of knowledge and taught to young people, aged 16 to 25, in partner countries. Young people will apply gained skills and knowledge during a Hackathon event in order to link up with their organizations working for the benefit of communities and develop for them ICT solutions needed for improvement of their work and management of a greater number of customers and users. By implementing a study on Digital Agenda 2020 in all partner countries, the project will help in defining and analysing the progress in accomplishments of Digital Agenda goals aimed at employment of young people in digital industry, while its results, gathered and unified in created Guidelines for Policy Makers on local, regional, national and European level will be available for usage and contribution in further actions and formation of policies on Digital Agenda. In both direct and indirect ways, project Generation 0101 addresses NGO workers, young people, decision makers, general public and representatives of business and labor market. Total of 35 youth workers and 245 young people in partner countries will be directly involved in project activities, while an even greater number of people will be reached through Digital Agenda research, dissemination activities, virtual life of the web page where all study materials concerning modules will be published and free for use, as well as through organisation of a conference in which the project, its results, results of Digital Agenda research, modules and ICT solutions developed during the project will be presented to the public. Through implementation of the project, organizations will gain relevant experience in international projects and develop capacities for continual implementation of ICT modules in their projects and programmes to different target groups that will influence the increase of the number of people with ICT knowledge and skills. By participating in the project, young people will increase their digital skills, knowledge and employability, while at the same time, informal and non-formal education will become better recognized as a way of gaining useful knowledge that improves the quality of potential employees and serves as a useful addition to formal education. Research of the Digital Agenda will be available as a contribution to policy makers on local, regional, national and European level in their development of new policies and strategies concerning digital skills, while through participating in Get Online Week and eSkills for Jobs campaigns, general public will become aware of the importance of digital inclusion and implementation of ICT skills in professional development of all.

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6 Partners Participants